Four Freedoms

Stockade Four Freedoms January 6th 2023 (1941)

Started with a run behind Harris Teeter and up to Grace Presb Church.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (10x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (6 forward, 6 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys,
Lunge walk…stop and do squats,
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins,

Short mosey run back over to the shopping plaza.
Bench work: Incline Merkins, step ups, dips, squats, derkins, calf raises

Short run over to the wall nearby Dollar Tree:
Wall sits, BTW, and wall-tar-jai’s
Four Freedoms background/info delivered during wall sits. See summary at end of BB.

Short run to adjacent parking lot: found the cinder block and did:
Pass the ammunition: Pax do a curb plank, drag/pass the cinder block to the guy next to you, and so until the last guy then sends the block back to starting guy. Then all pax do curb merkins (3 I/C). repeat.

Run back to Grace church: Find the four cones in the parking lot.
Cone 1 “Freedom of Speech”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 2 “Freedom of Worship”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 3 “Freedom from Want”: did 4 burpees,
run to cone 4 “Freedom from Fear”: did 4 burpees.

Run back to shopping plaza.
Global running routine: Pax circle up, wrestling stance, side shuffle, stop and do: Smurf jacks, squats, monkey humpers.

Run to COT.
BURPEE-QUIZ time: Pax were asked, and correctly answered, what the Four Freedoms were, which President delivered the speech, and when was it delivered. Therefore, pax had to do only 8 burpees.
Mary: Freddies, flutters, box cutters.


Four Freedoms:
Context/background: by December 1940, Nazi Germany had taken over most of Europe and Britain/London was getting pummeled with the nightly blitz bombings. Japan was also making conquests in China and Korea. The US was separated from all of this, and many folks thought the isolationist stance should continue (people were still remembering the pain of WW One).
But FDR (newly elected to his third term as President) knew the US was basically the only nation capable of saving the democracies of the world.
In his State of the Union address on January 6th 1941, FDR laid out why the US should get more involved…the four basic freedoms of democracy was under attack:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom to Worship God in the manner that a man wants to.
Freedom from Want…economic security
Freedom from Fear…aggression of one nation to another

Eighty-two years later, we have Ukraine being attacked and their basic Freedoms under attack. Prayers for ClickBait, MarkTwian, and their crews in the work they are doing over there in Ukraine.

TClap |

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