It was the Damn Sasquatch

WARMUP: carry something heavy (sandbags, slamball, rucks) with dynamic warmup (i.e. toy soldier, side steps, back steps)
THE THANG: 4 stations behind earth fare with 5th pax running ~100yds total to stop sign and back as the timer.
Station 1: Sandbag back squats
Station 2: over the shoulder sandbag toss (alternate sides)
Station 3: Slamball (20lb) thruster and throw
Station 4: plastic crate bear crawls/runs
Once everyone finished each station including run, ruck to the office for weighted pull-ups, modify as needed, then back to stations to repeat aforementioned THANG.
Last thang to travel back towards COT was sandbag and slamball Indian ruck- pax in front launches slamball forwards, pax in back has sandbag and drops it on ground once pax in front retreats to the back to pick it off the ground, the next pax in line gets slam ball and repeats- did this from behind earth fare to COT
MARY: circle up in plank position, pax roll 20lb slamball to a non-adjacent pax- rucks were on because that’s the manly thing to do. THIS TORE UP THE CORE! I forgot what we decided to call this… “plank potato?”
ANNOUNCEMENTS: some relay coming up soon
COT: Thanks to Olaf for the Q and for retrieving the great I left behind.
Saw Tsunami out for the first time in over a year, getting after it at STL!
Lifting up all thoughts and prayers to our wonderful and gracious Heavenly Father!

TClap |

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