Sandbag galore, ABS lab and broga

Moroccan night clubs
Arm circles forward
Arm circles backwards
Mosey around baseball field
Low slow squats
Mosey to bating cages, NUR back
More Moroccan night clubs, had to get those shoulders warmed up

Move to the baseball field with 2×60# sandbags and 2×40# sandbags
Partner up and grab a sandbag, smart choices for those who picked the 40#
Bear crawl drag forward to other side of field, partner one drags, partner two bear crawls next to him, alternate after one pull
Backwards pull to starting point: squat, grab bag and pull behind you
Forward toss: squat, grab sandbag, clean to chest and toss forward, alternate after one toss with partner to other side of field and back to starting point
Facing the fence, lateral toss left to other side of field, keep facing the fence, lateral those right
Divide into two groups, one 60# and one 40# per group
Pax 1, Forward toss both bags, take turns with all pax to other side of field and back

Pax 1, bear crawl pulls both bags, take turns with all pax to other side of field, backward pulls back

200# drag: tied all bags with rope, 10 yard pull all bags to you using rope while rest of pax do LBC’s, it looked better on paper so downgraded to 140# drag, each pax was able to do this once

Click 60# back to the bunch, everyone grabs a piece of rope, drag the bunch to other side of field and back, Uber called this the reindeer run

45 minutes of hard pain…


5 minutes of ABS lab:
20 Big boy sit ups
20 Heel taps
20 Flutters
10 Box cutters
50 LBC burn

10 minutes of broga… best way to end a hard workout

ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pickup, cannoli run, Mike doty race
COT: prayers for all that need healing, praises to kids and teachers about to finish another school year

Tinsel, OUT

TClap |

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