Bo-berry day

Quick disclaimer then mosey over to front of school. Some basic warm-ups: SSHs, windmills (with appropriate amount of moaning), mtn climbers, parkers. Lap around drop off line to show everyone the .25 mile loop.

The Bo-berry mile (no clue where this name came from). 10 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 squats, run a lap. Repeat this series 4 times.

Partner up for some jump overs. P1 does a burpee while P2 holds plank. P2 then drops to 6″ hold while P1 jumps over to do burpee on other side. 10 burpees for P1 then flapjack. Repeat but this time only do 8 each partner.

Mosey over to benches under awning. 5 box jump burpees, 10 derkins, 15 dips, then run to stop sign and back. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back for about 4 rounds of abs before times up and COT. Lots of chatter about FishStix’s form today but it was hard to really tell b/c he was usually so far in front of everyone. Great work by all this morning and thanks Headspin for chance to Q!

TClap |

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