intro to the 8 Blocker

Performed 8 blocker goals exercise while moving across parking lot. Perform a std exercise while listening to instructions on what goes in each box. Mosey across parking lot to other parking spot where performed different exercise while listening to instructions of what goes in the next box. 8 boxes total.
1. Concentrica,
2. 3rdF goals,
3. Relationships needing more investment.
4. 1stF fitness goals for the year and for the first 13 weeks.
5. Jester.
6. Investment in self improvement
7. Date night. Who do I need to be intentional with.
8. What is my D2X or advice I would tell my younger self.

If you want to discuss further I’m more than happy to help you fill your 8 blocker out. Let me know when you’re available.

Stay Frosty my Friends.

TClap |

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