Hidden Karma on MJs B-Day

WARMUP: SSH X10, Baby Arm Circles X 10, Cherry Pickers X 10, Short Mosey, High Knees, Karoake, with a 7 (dips & Derkins) on the back benches. Mosey to Bball court.

THE THANG: 4 corners at each 3 pt line. Each station began with 6 Bobby Hurleys (honoring Michael Jordan’s birthday – remember the 6 threes he hit in the first half of the Finals back in 90?) Station 1: 10 Shoulder Taps in cadence then run, Station 2: 20 big boys (yes 20) then lunge walk, Station 3, 20 Merkins then NUR, Station 4: 10 LBCs in cadence then bear crawl. Plank for the 6. Then reversed the transport mode and direction. Crawl Bear, Run, Reverse Lunge Walk, NUR. Plank for 6.

Mosey to back drive. Had 9 toys under a blanket (3 sand bags, 2 Cindy’s, 1 curl bar, 1 KB, 1 Case of Water, and a Jump Rope. Pax rotated stations of labeled exercises with about a 80 yard out and back run. Totaled about 16 rounds.

Mosey to COT for 10 in cadence mak tar jyes
MARY: Nah.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Christmas Party
COT: Prayers lifted.

TClap |

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