Ruck up but not on your back

WARMUP: Mosey to include butt kickers, side shuffles, toy soldiers, side lunges.
THE THANG: As a group and with rucks overhead, traverse the large drop-off loop around the field and back to COT. When 1 PAX needs to drop the ruck for a break, all PAX do 10 overhead press.
This time going around the parking lot, walk with rucks in the position at the top of the upright row. When a PAX drops their ruck, all PAX do 10 uprights rows.
To the left side of the soccer fields. Bear crawl drag all the way to the fence on the other side, an estimated 150yds.
Partner up:
P1 farmer carries both rucks the width of the field while P2 does Peter Parkers until P1 returns. Flapjack.
P1 farmer carries again while P2 does something else…I forget. Flapjack.
Back to the parking lot:
10 Ruck Thrusters then run 25 yds slick
5 Merkins then nur back
5 Ruck Thrusters then run 25yds slick
10 Merkins then nur back
10 Ruck Thrusters

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