No Legs for Cakeboss

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Windmills
THE THANG: Pick up Cindy. Carry Cindy to the band lot.
Round 1: 15 curls, then Murder Bunny 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat for the length of the field.
Round 2: 10 Overhead Press, Rifle Carry 10 yards. Rinse and Repeat the length of the field.
Round 3: Starting with 10 man-makers, walk 10 yards, and then decrease by 1 man-maker to the 50-yard line. Then, 10 Swings at every 10 yards to the end.
Take Cindy home and put her to bed.
MARY: Was done at the end of each round until the 6 was in.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you can’t find something to do over the next 8 weeks, you’re not trying.
COT: There is a lot going on in the PAX lives. Prays for strength all around.

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