Football field candence count

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 imperial walkers
Mosey around buss loop
– Karaoke
– 20 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Karaoke
– 20 calm raises on curb in cadence
Partner warmup
– 50 total pull-ups per team. While one teammate is doing pull-ups, the other is doing bomb jacks. When done, plank for 6
– 100 hanging knee raises per team. While one teammate is doing knee raises, the other is doing squats. When done, plank for 6
Head to football field for some Team-Building
Standing on one goal line, all Pax will interlock arms and will lunge walk to the 10 yard line, where they will complete an exercise in cadence. Once completed, Pax will lock arms again and lunge walk to the 20 yard line, where they will complete the next exercise in cadence. This will repeat until the team reaches the opposite end zone
– 10 yard – Mike Tysons
– 20 yard – leg raises
– 30 yard – low slow squats
– 40 yard – diamond merkins
– 50 yard – chair crunches
– 40 yard – Carolina dry docks
– 30 yard – calf raises
– 20 yard – American hammers
– 10 yard – wide arm merkins
– End-zone – 5 kraken burpees OYO
Head back to pull up bars and complete partner exercises again. This time 30 pull ups and 60 leg lifts


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