The Bradley

0500 Honey Badger

A great group of HIMS descended on NAFO to start their week like a Hero.


10 Windmill IC
20 Mnc Climbers IC

Run to the Pull Up Bars

“ The Bradley”

100 meter sprint
10 Burpees OR (10 HR merkins for ppl preserving their knees)
100 meter sprint
10 Pull-ups

Wash rinse repeat 10 times.

I’m happy to say that we all finished with plenty of time to spare. A lot of great chatter, and great support for everyone along the way.

Got to COT and did 2 sets of 4 rounds of various ab exercises to finish right at 0600.

Always honored and privileged to lead at this AO. The stories and workouts here in remembrance of those who served are great reminders of what has been sacrificed for us and give us the perspective to tackle whatever life throws at us.

Take care and SYITG!

TClap |

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