Stone Cold Crazy

Nine men met at the Fort Mill Lowes for 45 minutes of Slow Burn to get ready for the weekend. Here’s what they did:

The Pax were disclaimed and then mosied around the parking lot until we found a good spot for COP (all in double cadence):
SSX x 20, windmill x 10, cherry picker x 10, merkin x 7, alternate lunge x 10, mountain climber x 15/hold/6″/down dog/up dog, squat x 10, wide arm merkin x 7

Mosey to a new spot for some side shuffles with broad jump burpees and bomb jacks. Pair up with a partner and start on a parking lot line. Side shuffle along a parking lot line, broad jump burpee to the next line, side shuffle along that line, broad jump burpee to the next line, and so forth. Continue with a zig-zag fashion for roughly 10 lines. Follow the same path back to the start, but run backwards, side shuffle, and do 2 bombjacks at each line (crowd pleaser).

Mosey to a new spot for classic Jack Webb 1-8, 4:1 ratio.

Mosey to a new spot for one suicide run with merkins, squats, side straddle hops, and finish with a plank hold.

Mosey to a new spot for Airborne’s killer hip workout

Freddie Merc x 15, LBC x 15, American Hammer x 15, Hello Dolly x 15. Finish with the Body Destroyer
Dam to Dam race registration opens in one week and sells out quickly. Make sure your captain doesn’t miss it.
Prayers for ST’s friend’s son who was in a serious motorcycle accident and has a serious brain injury and long rehab ahead. Prayers for the people of Isreal, Gaza, and Ukraine.

For whatever reason, Slow Burn has earned a reputation for a lot of mumble chatter and today was no exception. More than once, I had to raise my voice to be heard over all the talking! The chatter started before the workout and continued until the Q finally silenced the Pax for the Body Destroyer at the end of the workout. But, it’s what makes Slow Burn such a fun workout and why it consistently has good attendance every Friday. Well done, men. It was a pleasure this morning!
PS: The title refers to a classic Queen song that was brought up today. Those who don’t know it (if anyone will actually read this backblast) should check it out – if you like Queen, you’ll love this one!

TClap |

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