For 2025, The F3 Mental Battle has a new WOD! Huge T Claps to Short Circuit from F3 Alliance for submitting this workout of the day.
Any time in March is great for you to share this workout with the Pax.
If you are on X or Instagram, please share photos or videos of your WOD at @f3mentalbattle.
And away we go!
Welcome to F3! This morning we will be performing the Mental Battle BD for 2025. Our goals
this morning are to get 1% better physically and mentally.
The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups, for men, for the invigoration
of male community leadership. At its core, our mission is to defeat sad clown syndrome in the
lives of all men.
F3 operates on 5 core principles…
1) We are open to ALL men.
2) We are free of charge.
3) We meet outside no matter the weather.
4) We are peer led in a rotating fashion, which means everyone takes a turn.
5) And we always end in a Circle of Trust.
I am not a professional. I am not aware of any of your injuries. Please push yourself but don’t
hurt yourself. Modify as necessary.
Abe Vigodas x 10 (in cadence)
Michael Phelps x 10 (in cadence)
Willie May Hays x 10 ( echo count, each side)
SSH x 20 (in cadence)
There are two statistics I want to share with you as we get started.
1) 40% of men polled for a Men’s Mental Health study said they had never spoken to
anyone about their mental health. 40% of men also said it would take thoughts of suicide
or self harm before they would seek professional help.
2) 77% of men have suffered with symptoms of negative mental health.
Let’s start by supporting the 77%.
PAX perform a 77 burpee BUY IN as a group with accumulative reps. Once 77 burpees are
reached, the group moves onto the THANG.
Sticking with our NO OYO approach to the Mental Battle, this morning we are doing a Double
DORA . It’s similar to a DORA but because of NOYO (never on your own) you will always work
with a partner or travel with a partner.*
DOUBLE DORA – PAX partner up, and then each pair partners with another pair so four PAX
total. This is run as a traditional DORA with one partner working and the other traveling. The
only difference is that the PAX always has another guy working with him or traveling with him.
Reps still accumulate between the partnered PAX.
Lunges x 100 (2:1)
Merkins x 200
Side Straddle Hops x 300
Double DORA Travel
Sprint 40 yards and then mosey back.
The group of four will most likely finish all together. PAX who complete the work quickly should
encourage the brothers still working and maybe jump in with reps if they need the help.
If time allows…
Little Baby Crunches x 20 (In Cadence)
Box Cutters x 20 (In Cadence)
Flutter Kicks x 20 (In Cadence)
Big Boy Sit Ups x 77 accumulative as a group for BUY OUT*
*Perform BBS just as you did the burpees for BUY IN.
*Please use this time to share your story of mental battle or allow the PAX to share freely. This is a great opportunity to break down barriers and be vulnerable. Some more statistics are below for your reference if you feel like sharing.
“The biggest cause of mental health issues in men’s lives are: work pressure (32%), financial issues (31%), and their health (23%).”
“Of the 40% of men who have never spoken about their mental health, 29% are “too embarrassed” to speak about it; 20% say there is a “negative stigma” on the issue.”
“Men in the United States die by suicide at a rate four times higher, than women. Yet men are diagnosed with depression and mood disorders at far lower rates.”
“Studies found that during the pandemic, U.S. men reported slightly lower rates of anxiety than women, but had higher rates of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation than their female counterparts. The uncertainty of the pandemic, loneliness from social distancing, financial stresses, relationship challenges, and other contextual factors contributed to increased rates of men having difficulty sleeping, alcohol and substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms triggered by the experience of mechanical ventilation treatment and hospitalization.”