Aloha Covid

Wasn’t sure how this was gonna go since YHC has been sick last few days coming back from Hawaii. Asking Fogerty to have my back if I dropped over. With som solid HIMS showing up I knew I had no choice but to bring it.

And so it began with a nice mosey to our first stop for the warmup SSH, IWs and Mtn climbers. Then to the next stop where we had a wall. Wall sits while each PAX took turns doing 5 merkins went up and down the line for extra credit. Mosey tot the next wall for three rounds (thx Maximus for the suggestion) of dips, derkins and step ups 10 each. Mosey to the next spot for a round of 7s with burpees and squats with a run length of parking lot between. At this point we just gettin warmed up to do a partner DORA 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs. Mosey back to COT where Fogerty closed us out with a ladder starting with 5 bombjax, 6 donkey kicks, 7 diamond merkins, 8 big boys, 9 Bobby Hurley and 10 LBCs. Finished right on time

We took a moment to watch the sun rise and do the pledge of allegiance earlier. Remembering those who gave it all for our freedoms that we have every day.

TClap |

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