Sweating to the (90’s) oldies

WARMUP: Some Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Windmills & Cherry Pickers… all in cadence… we then moseyed over to the church lot
THE THANG: HIIT 50 seconds on 10 off for 4 exercises then had 2 minutes to lap the lot (which took about 1). Remaining time was rest. We did this until we ran out of time.

– Merkins
– Squats
– Flutter
– Donkey Kicks
– Run
– Box Cutters
– Plank Jack
– Lunges
– Dry Docks
– Run
– Calf Raises
– Mountain Climbers
– Side Straddle Hops
– Al Gore
– Run
– Seal Jacks
– High Knees
– Monkey Humpers
– Freddie Mercury
– Run

Rinse and Repeat

MARY: Some was done until 0600
COT: indeed occurred.

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