Singing with the Knights


F3 Dads invites you to sing with the Knights! On May 26th F3 Dads will take the field for the National Anthem!

Tickets on Sale Now

Click here to get your seats!

F3 Dads has a large block of tickets reserved for you and your 2.0s at the Charlotte Knights game on Friday May 26th at BB&T Ballpark!  We will all take the field with our 2.0s to sing the pre-game National Anthem, so DON’T BE LATE!

Tickets are on sale through May 12th!  Don’t wait. Seats will sellout.

Who: F3 Dads from across F3Nation and 2.0s – boys and girls of all ages.

What: Charlotte Knights vs. Buffalo Bisons

When: 7pm, Friday May 26th (be early for National Anthem)

Where: BB&T Ballpark

Why: 2nd F – Making memories; Building character; Having Fun

How much: $12 per ticket
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Halfpipe or Blackjack

CLICK HERE to get your 2017 F3 Dads Jerseys


5th Annual F3 Dads Camp is August 11-13.

Registration will open next week.  Do not delay in signing up space is limited and beds IT WILL GO FAST.



Take the Field with your 2.0 for the National Anthem!


F3 Dads has a large block of tickets reserved for you and your 2.0s to sing the National Anthem on field at the Knights game on Friday May 26th. Load up the 2.0s and leave mom with a good book and a bottle of wine as we kick off F3 Dads Summer at BB&T ballpark!

Tickets are on sale now through May 12th! Don’t wait. This will sellout.

Who: F3 Dads from across F3Nation and 2.0s – boys and girls of all ages.

What: Charlotte Knights vs. Buffalo Bisons

When: 7pm, Friday May 26th

Where: BB&T Ballpark

Why: 2nd F – Making memories; Building character; Having Fun

How much: $12 per ticket

Click here to buy your tickets now!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Halfpipe or Blackjack



5th Annual F3 Dads Camp is August 11-13.

Registration will open next week.  Do not delay in signing up space is limited and beds IT WILL GO FAST.

TClap |

Hog & Coyote 2015 – The Fort’s Annual CSAUP Event

  • QIC: Pusher, World Wide Leader, CSPAN; Change Order (Ballroom), Jekyl ( Golden Corral), Hard Drive and Assassin (Slow Burn), MacGyver (WEP), Peach (Patriot)
  • When: 06/20/15
  • Pax: 75 Iron men from The Fort with guests from Area 51 and two FNGs, welcome MoonBoots and Mamma Jamma
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, CSAUP, The Fort, The Reservation

The Hog and Coyote Took place on 20, June 2015

The Weinke
Mr. Weinke

The Thang:

75 Iron Men…
75 Iron Men

…posted to the Ballroom for a beat down with Change Order.

Getting it done at the Ballroom

Mosey… two miles to Golden Corral…

Dawns Army

…enjoy a pain station in time for sunrise…

Feeling unincorporated yet?

…mosey… three miles…
Off your feet

…to post at Slow Burn…

Off your feet

…mosey two miles to post at WEP….

The first bridge...

FEBA, it is finally time to run!

This Armadillo is on!

The Armadillo is awarded to the fastest time between WEP and the Patriot.

Congratulations to FNG – MoonBoots who posted the fastest time.
Flyers Club

Waldo came in next.

Followed by Red Banjo
Buh duh dirn dirn dirn

Here’s to the #HIMs crazy enough to dream up the Hog and Coyote and the PAX that brought it to life with support and participation.

T-Claps to the support crew.
Mount Up!

Special T-Claps to Mr. Spitz for hydration.
High Quality H2O Right there!

Site Q’s
Ballroom – Change Order
Golden Corral – Jekyl
Slow Burn – Hard Drive and Assassin
WEP – MacGyver


Reported times:
34 min +/-
Moon Boots
Red Banjo

Ringer 41:48
Funhouse 43:08
Long Shanks 43:55
Jekyll 48:00
CoPay 51:00
Flat Tire
Senator Tressell
Dark Helmet
Barry Manilow
FNG Mamma Jamma


See the newsletter for links to photos.


TClap |

2nd Annual Hog and Coyote #H&C2015

  • QIC: WWL/Pusher
  • When: 6/20/15
  • Pax: All men of F3 who would like to celebrate Fathers Day with a CSAUP.
  • Posted In: CSAUP

The Fort is proud to announce the 2nd Annual Hog and Coyote multi leg CSAUP event to be held on June 20th beginning at 6 AM. This event will help to celebrate Fathers Day weekend. This year, we will include AOs from the Fort, Tega Cay and finish in Rock Hill (Yes, I said Rock Hill!)

The H and C takes its roots after a recent SC bill passed into law that allows night hunting of wild hogs, coyotes and armadillos. Our inaugural run included 8.4 miles, 4 AOs and 17 faithful Pax. Our route this year includes 5 AOs, approximately 12-13 miles and we expect AT LEAST double the number of Pax. The route includes the following AOs:

  • Start – Ballroom (Q – Change Order)
  • Golden Corral (Q – Jekyll)
  • Slow Burn  (Q – Hard Drive)
  • WEP (Q – MacGyver)
  • Finish – The Patriot (Q – Peach)

This year there will be (3) ways to participate:

  1. 1 Man Wolfpack – Run the whole thing yourself. Sure, its a CSAUP event, what the heck!
  2. 2 Man Relay – Similar to BRR or Palmetto 200, we will go “cannonball run” style (young guys, please Google it) with a 2 man team. Handoffs will occur at each AO and at the mid point between WEP and the Patriot. Basically, each man will run about a total of (2) 5k runs over the course of the route
  3. The Armadillo – Whatever you decide from #1 or #2, the route from WEP to the Patriot will be timed. Fastest man (or 2 man team) for this portion is awarded the Armadillo. Eligible participants must have completed the entire route.

More details:

Estimated Completion Time: 2-3 Hours depending on pace

Logistics: Launch from Ballroom at 6 AM. Each AO will have (2) Qs who will lead 10-15 minute workouts. Water stations will be provided on the route. There will be drinks and snacks provided at the completion of the race.

T shirt: If there is enough interest, we can make a t shirt for the event. Its not like we don’t have enough. It will not be black.

If you have any questions, please send them to

Sound off in the comments below if you are in!


TClap |