The Fort – Always a Classic and I Love to talk about it!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 3/4/17
  • Pax: CSPAN, Cooter, Corruption, The Prodigy, Longshanks, Jiffy, Geronimo, Bounce House, FNG Jeggings, Ginsu, Sugar Daddy, and some runners Pusher, Santini, Menthol, Backdraft, Flat Tire
  • Posted In: The Fort

Do you have something you love so much you can’t help but share it and talk about it? Some like cars, sports teams, vacations…etc….etc Whatever it is, it fills us with joy/happiness and when we talk about it, we could talk for days. As me and 11 other PAX made our way around The Fort. Oh and yes….we all love F3 and talk about it a ton!

The Thang:

Drill Bit Warm Up
2)hillbilly walkers-15
4)mountain climbers-15
5)Moroccan night club-15
6)broad jump backpedal-10

7) Plank with Hops

Playground Partners
1) pull-ups /lap
2) dips/lap
3) step ups/lap

4) Carolina Dry Docks

Hillside Rodeo
1) up 7 Bombjacks
2) down 1 derkin

Soccer field Fun
Crazy 8’s – Partner runs while Partner does exercise
1) flutters
2) Peter Parker
3) hello dollys
4) Parker Peters
5) Freddy Mercurys
6) Mak Tar Shi
7) American Hammer
8) big boy sit up

Escalator to Heaven
1) partner carry-2 lights
2) wheel barrow -2 lights
3) bear crawls- 2 lights

So the PAX and I had lots of fun discussing all this things we all love to talk about, “The” Carolina, Carolina Blue, Clemson Tigers, and our FNG Jeggings was first to mention God was most to him to talk about. YHC wrapped up with I love to talk about Jesus and all things that point to him. I use to “love me some me” and everything revolved around me, but once I got into relationship with the one who gave it all for me, I could not help but fall in love with what he did for me so I could live abundantly and talk about it as much as possible. He did all of it for you too!

Thanks Ginsu for the lead and The Fort is the motherland. Love that AO and all the history!

Cake Boss

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Ought To

  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 3/3/17
  • Pax: Gilmore, Gridlock, Barry Manilow, Deep Dish, Airborne, Long Shanks, Destiny, Spark Plug, Short Sale, Change Order, Culture Club, Shady, Twister, Frat Boy, Repeat, Main Frame, Trucker, Bonsai, Spud, World Wide Leader, Maximus, Cooder, Flat Tire, Cake Boss, Rebel, Sir Topham Hat, WhatDid, Cotton Eye, Pusher, Training Wheels, Deacon, Watson (FNG)
  • Posted In: Slow Burn, The Fort

32 Pax posted this cold morning to run, ruck or boot camp. We were blessed with an FNG (Watson). Rebel made a strong comeback after being on injured reserve for two months. We slowly started the workout with stretches and ended with relentless repetitions.


The Thang:


Mosey to the parking near the Empire Pizza for a little Stretch-o-rama


Mosey to the parking near Baxter Bunch.

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Hello Dollies (15x)


Mosey to the next parking lot in the front of Lowe’s for Butt Kickers, High Knees, Toy Soldiers, Shuffles, Karaoke, Sprints


Mosey to the guard rails behind Lowe’s.

Drill 1: Dips (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x) and LBCs (20x)

Drill 2: Decline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), and Flutters(20x)

Drill 3: Incline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), Heels to Heaven (20x)


Mosey to the wall on the right side of Lowe’s for Wall Merkins, People’s Chair (3x)


Mosey to the parking lot in front of Lowe’s.

Partner Drills: One partner runs to the light post and back while the other does the following until the team does a total of 100 reps of LBCs, Merkins and Squats.



We discussed this month’s theme of: wisdom. Wisdom starts with a respect for God. Read the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for insight regarding what you ought to do.

Don’t seek counsel from people who only tell you what you want to hear. Our wants and desires often lean toward our sinful nature.

The best counsel comes from wise men who tell you what you ought to hear. They challenge you to do and be better. You’ll want to ignore their advice that may inconvenience to your selfish motives. However, instead of dismissing what you don’t want to hear, lean in.

Also, be that man who helps others understand what they ought to do from a righteous and moral perspective.




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F3 Easter Party in Paradise on 4/1/17

  • QIC: Deacon, Chicken Hawk, DaVinci, WhatDid, Tesh, TPS, Flat Tire
  • When: 4/1/17
  • Pax: Fort Mill, Indian Land, Rock Hill
  • Posted In: The Fort

F3 will host an Easter Party in the Paradise community on 4/1/17. Paradise is Fort Mill’s predominantly black community that has a rising poverty level.This Easter Party will gather people of different racial and economic backgrounds to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Your participation will help to break social barriers and further our positive impact.


Call To Action:


– Provide 24 eggs that are pre-filled with candy and coins for the children in Paradise, or

– Make a monetary donation to help purchase Easter Eggs via Chicken Hawk’s Paypal Account (, or

– Volunteer to support the event and connect with the community. Contact the HIMs below for volunteer opportunities.


How To Donate Easter Eggs:


Bring your Easter Eggs to an AO on 3/18/17 (Saturday) and give them to the Q. Qs will bring the eggs to WhatDid who will be at WEP until 9 AM. If you would like to donate Easter Eggs but cannot attend a workout on 3/18/17, please contact the HIMs shown below.


Easter Party Logistics:


– Date –> 4/1/17

– Time –> 3 PM to 5 PM. Set up at 2 PM. Our start time avoids conflicts with other Easter-related events (e.g. the Eggstravaganza).

– Location –> Steele Street Park at 600 Steele Street, Fort Mill, SC (see map here)

– Attractions –> Petting zoo, face painting, bubble machines, Easter Egg hunt, cake, pizza


Who Can Attend The Easter Party?


Pax only. Some 2.0s and Ms will volunteer via select service areas (e.g. face painting).


HIMs Leading This Event – By Service Area:


– Deacon (@careervaluebook) –> Q

– Chicken Hawk (@F3_Chicken_Hawk) –> Food

– DaVinci (@DeeDubCLT) –> Face Painting

– WhatDid (@bmac29) –> Set Up/Clean Up/Egg Staging

– Tesh (@tesh_F3) –> Promotions

– TPS (@tpsrobj, call 704-907-1463) –> Supplies

– Flat Tire (@CThompson74) –> Welcome/EH Team


Our Easter Party in Paradise is a great opportunity to engage, pray and have fun with the community. Spread the word!


For more information, contact Deacon (Will Uter) at or 704-208-6935.

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Bells and Bear Crawls

Honored to be able to lead at the Hive and since this is my first backblast this is my VC!  There were only 3 at the Hive this morning but the workout was tough and the fellowship was great.  Awesome to be around other men that push me and challenge me and bring out the best in me.  This morning we mixed in some bear crawls, and sprints to break up the kettle bell beat down.

The Thang

Warm up

35 SSH

25 Imperial Walkers

10 Windmills

20 Carolina Dry Docks

25 Moroccan Nightclubs

mosey for a lap around the parking lot



20 concentrated curls each arm

25 tricep extensions

25 kettle bell swings

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

20 rows each arm

25 Genuine (squat while doing a standing press at the top)

20 overhead presses each arm

30 kettle bell deadlift

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

30 concentrated curls each arm

30 chest presses each arm

25 skull crushers

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

30 dips with bell

40 big boy sit ups with bell

40 chest presses each arm

20 flutters with bell


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Pre-Blast: Workouts at “Guidance”, the Children’s Attention Home

  • When: 2/14/2017
  • Pax: All Area PAX and HIMs that want to make a difference
  • Posted In: The Fort

We have kicked off the new year at Children’s Attention Home down in Rock Hill!

There was a meet and greet on January 28 where some of the area PAX met the wonderful young men there, got to know each other, let them know what F3 means and what it stands for, and then bestowed upon them their F3 names. That was a wonderful day!

Then on February 11 we had our first workout led by Destiny and I tell you he set the bar high! He Q’d a perfect balance of exercise and wisdom, working the mind, body, heart, and soul all at once. It was after the COT that the young men at CAH renamed the AO from “Justice League” to a new name that I feel fits one of our objectives……”Guidance”.

The definition of “Guidance” is advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in a position of authority or influence. It is also the directing of the motion or position of something towards a goal or objective.

That is exactly what we as F3 Nation intend to do, and this is where the young men need your help for the impact will be greater in numbers than alone. I know there is alot of curiosity towards CAH, that the young men down there may not be within your comfort zone. Well it is time to step out of that comfort zone and embrace them. The young men there are in their early teens, at a vulnerable stage of great influence (good or bad). Life thrust upon them a situation that they did not ask for, and they need our love, time, support, strength, wisdom……our Guidance. Each one of them are smart, witty, and funny, but they are a close knit group working to get through life at CAH together and you can tell they lean on each other, some are hesitant to open up to outsiders. They are not too different than some of us PAX in that they sometimes feel that they have to carry their burdens themselves and solve their own problems. They need to know that there are people out in the world they can rely on, they can trust to ‘have their back’ and lift them up when they are down. Within each one of them, hidden beneath their burdens, is a Leader and HIM. Some just do not know or realize this. This is where we as HIMs need to be Intentional and lead them through our example via the mission, principles, and foundations of F3. Now I humbly ask all area PAX and HIMs to come support this great and worthy cause.

General info for posting:

  • The first workout was 2/11 as mentioned led by Destiny (Awesome job!), then the workouts are every other Saturday starting 2/18 (2/18, 3/4, 3/18, and so on).
  • Workouts start at 4pm prompt so arrive early to prep
  • For directions, contact NASA, Reborn, or Chicken Hawk
  • They do not want the street address or directions to their site posted online
  • Pictures or videos of the young men there are not allowed
  • Do not initiate hugs and if you receive one, reciprocate with a ‘bro hug’ with hips turned away
  • These are teen boys – bring your sense of humor for they have one for sure (nothing like a fart mid-LSS to get the giggles going).
  • 2.0’s are allowed – and encouraged – as long as they are boys over 12

If you want to Q a workout:

  • Q schedule is on the Rock Hill tab on the Google Docs link
  • Keep it to 45 minutes as usual
  • Explain F3 and give the disclaimer at the beginning of each workout as usual
  • This is not a high-intensity PAX beatdown or CSAUP – these are teens in collective average shape. One does have an asthma condition that we monitor.
  • DO NOT resort to field or court games such as basketball, soccer, tennis, etc. Please stick to moderate bootcamp style workouts. Avoid a run-only workout as well. If you want to bring objects like blocks, etc, for your workout – keep in mind the age and strength of the kids. Make it challenging yet attainable by them.
  • BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN…..but at the same time we want these young me to be challenged physically and mentally while achieving the goals you set for them.
  • Keep in mind the PAX will be there to encourage, support, motivate when the workout gets challenging – that needs to be experienced by them first hand.
  • ALWAYS pick up the 6 as usual – that is a key learning point for them.
  • We will be able to use the areas around the home which include Winthop University lake, the field at First Christian Church, the field behind the factory nearby, and the CAH grounds themselves.
  • In order to give them rest times – use the power of your words. Hold a short devotion incorporating the Monthly Theme that our regions are using; speak about what F3 means to you and what it has done in your life; or give them an example of a rough time in your life and how you overcame it. You can do this more than once during the workout – before the workout, after the COP, during your Thang, and before/after the COT. Keep in mind words are just words but if they have meaning, emotion, intention – they become much more powerful and impactful.
  • Engage the young men – when using your words, get them involved in the discussions through questions. Let them show you how intelligent they can be.
  • Pictures or videos of the young men there are not allowed
  • For the Name-O-Rama – please use only first names, ages, and then F3 name
  • Post a BackBlast!! I’d like this done within 48 hrs. This is marketing of the workout to build interest throughout the regions. Update 2/27/2017 – Guidance is now live on the F3 web! It is now listed on the Rock Hill website for posting and reading backblasts.

As Reborn so eloquently put it in his New Vision for Children’s Attention Home – Thank you all for the support you have provided in the past and we look forward to this new venture at the Children’s Attention Home. Please be praying that God will bless our efforts there so that we can build up young males that will one day be leaders in the community and beyond.
Read more –

Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Vince Lombardi

Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. These young men need our strength, our commitment, our effort to bring out the Leaders that lie within.

I hope to see you all at Guidance. Thank you and God bless.


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Wishin I was Fishin at Footloose

  • QIC: Bass-O-Matic
  • When: 02/09/17
  • Pax: Anchorman, Barry Manilow, Culture club, Gilmore, Cotton eye, Deep dish, Drop Thrill
  • Posted In: Footloose, The Fort

Started out in the gloom with a moon lit morning and a balmy 50ish degrees for the thang.  Proper disclaimer given and a little foreplay regarding the word of the month “intentional”.  We decided to be intentional to get in 30 active minutes of movement during our time.  Barry challenged us to see if it could be done.  Our theme centered around some fishing secrets.

Warm-up – Mosey around the parking lot.  One thing you don’t want to do while tournament fishing is SWIM! 15-SSH, 15-Windmills, 15-Imperial Walkers, 10-Merkins, 20-Squats

The Thang – The key to any fishing tournament is to make sure you have a BIG FISH to put you in the money.  We started out spelling BIG FISH. Do 5 then run to white line do 5 more run and turn round do 5 more, run do 5 more. 20 in total. Exercises were Bobby Hurley’s, Imperial Walkers, Gorilla Humpers, Flying Squirrels, Imperial squat walkers, Seal Jacks, and Hillbilly Walkers.  We worked in a few 10 counts to catch our breath.  Since we had plenty of time left I told the guys what’s better than having 1 big fish is having 2 big fish.  So repeat.  That was a horrible idea.  We finished up with 5 minutes for Mary PAX choice.

Name-o-rama, announcements and prayers.  Continue to be intentional with our relationships at home and work.

See you on the water!  <><

PS we did hit the 30 minutes of continuous movement.  Thanks for the challenge Barry.


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Stairways to Heaven

  • QIC: Tchaser
  • When: 02/04/17
  • Pax: Longshanks, Ginsu, Dark Helmet, Lil E, Peabody, FNG (Daisy Duke), Flat Tire, Tesh, Cooter, Mary Lou, Dixie Chicken, Quak Attack, MacGuyver, Orwell, Omaha, Sugar Bug, and The Fridge
  • Posted In: The Fort

YHC had the honor to Q the oldest AO in The Fort region on a chilly morning with temps hanging around 28 degrees.  The goal was to not stay cold for long so after a deliberate disclaimer for the FNG, 18 #HIM were off and running.

Quick mosey over to the little wooded park up the hill from WEP for for some SSH, IW, low slow squats, arm circles and plank series.

Mosey over to the Fort Mill Church of the Nazarene

  1. Snake up and down with single steps,
  2. Rinse and repeat with double steps
  3. One more rinse and repeat single steps,
  4. Lunge walk through the parking lot and mosey back,
  5. butt kickers across again and high knees back

Mosey over to UC Synergetic for some wall sits

Mosey back around to the courtyard at UC Synergetic for some incline merkins and derkins on the short walls

Mosey over to Fort Mill Church of God

  1. 7s on the pyramid steps – 6 burpees, 1 squat, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6
  2. Across the street to take in the plethora of steps at the other building

Mosey to Fort Mill First Baptist

  1. reverse bear crawl up the steps, bear crawl back down, reverse bear crawl back up,
  2. Merkin walk up the steps and mosey back down to rinse and repeat.

Mosey to St. John’s United Methodist….no steps you say?  Well, they have several picnic tables

  1. 20 right leg step-ups,
  2. 20 left leg step-ups

Mosey to the steps across form Veteran’s park

  1. Merkin walk to bear crawl to merkin walk up the steps
  2. Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to base of Gun Shop hill

  1. Watch out for the car turning in and all out chase it up the hill

Mosey back to the backside courtyard of UC Synergetic

  1. 20 right leg step-ups,
  2. 20 left leg step-ups

Mosey to back of UC Synergetic

  1. Balls to the wall for double 10 counts
  2. Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to COT to stick the landing.

Great work by all and no complaints about the cold once we got moving.

Thanks for the honor of leading an extraordinary group of men. Better leaders, better husbands, better fathers, better men.

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Didn’t have time to make it fun

  • QIC: Birdcage
  • When: 01/27/17
  • Pax: Geronimo, Skate or Die, Kielbasa, MP, Harry Carry, Zimern, Gas Station Caviar, Chicken Wing, Pin Up
  • Posted In: The Fort, Varsity

But I did have time to make it terrible. Theme for the day….HIITs workouts don’t need timers. The crowd o’ed and ah’ed after the announcement was made. Is there such a world? Lets find out, together. Disclaimer, keep up with me, dont hurt yourself, Skate or Dies site so sue him.

The Thang

Continued to mess with everyone’s head as we warmed up (partially) before we went anywhere. Windmills and Mountain climbers got us warm enough to mosey. Had to get in an indian run. Only about 3/4 of a mile so Ive had better. Warm ups continued with squats, Moroccan night clubs, and dips. Warmups continued with a few series of 50% 75% and 100% lengths across the parking lot. Ok, now we are all warm.

We split into 3 groups and prepared for some gassers. An all out sprint about 100′ to the top of the hill and back while your teammates were catching their breath. As soon as the group got back the next row went. Each team had 3 people so you had about 40 seconds in between runs to try and catch what breath you could. This went on for 15 minutes straight. Yea, no timer, still a HIITs workout.

We all looked like runners out there so time to slow things down, kinda. Next series consisted of everyone on their 6. Series as follows with 10 seconds in between :

crunches 50       freedy mercury 1 minute     sit ups 20           heels to heaven 20

Side crunch left 20        side crunch right 20

The goal was to finish the exercises that were O.Y.O. faster so you could recover longer waiting on the six. Sounds good but made you go harder and ultimately made you NEED the extra recovery time. Im a bad bad man. After the series, mosey around the parking lot. Then we hit the burpees. I broke my own rule but we did them anyway. 10 burpees to keep everyone winded. Mosey again around the parking lot.

Last group of exercises was kinda like a indian run (Actually stole this one from Pusher). In a row, plank while the 6 bear crawled out front. Keep going until everyone had crawled twice. 10 seconds rest. Then we did it again with LBC’s and frog jumps for 2 full rounds.

Ok 3 minutes to get to COT and we were like 47 miles away.

We made it just in time.


Always great to be invited to q. I cherish the opportunity to take myself out of my comfort zone. Yea this may surprise some but generally I am a reserved guy. I lead at work and am no stranger to being in front of people but that’s different. F3 stretches my social skills. I can here some of you know saying “WTF…Birdcage never shuts up”. That’s partially true but a necessity for me. Humor is my way of communicating. You guys are all just the recipients of that. Thank you for the invite Skate or Die and for all those that came. Prayers for Jeffs wife, our country, and our families.

Birdcage out

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Déjà Vu

  • QIC: Gridlock
  • When: 1/30/2017
  • Pax: Assassin, McGruff, Tesh, Spitz, Lugnut, The Librarian, TPS, Handy Manny, Change Order, Decibel, Car Bomb, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory, The Fort

We had 13 out at Armory this chilly AM. 3 of which rucked a few miles beforehand.

The first thing the PAX may have noticed; this workout seems a little familiar. YHC admits theft from Trucker and Deacon.  Thanks guys. Very little creativity this morning.

Warm Up:
SSHs (16x), Imperial Walkers (16x), Slow Sumo Squats (16x), Wind Mills (16x).

Real slow mosey/walk to the middle parking lot.

The Thang:
YHC had the PAX pair up (better to be in pain with another).
In 8 different parking spots two exercises were written in chalk.
Each PAX started at various parking spots.

The goal: Complete the two exercises, run a lap around church parking lot, then move onto the next exercise. As you can see, 16 was the magic number.

  1. 16 Squats w/ kettlebell over head  /  8 Curls each arm
  2. 8 Figure 8’s both directions  /  16 Kettlebell Swings
  3. 16 Skull Crushers  /  8 Kettlebell Merkins each arm
  4. 16 Upright Rows  /  8 each direction Around the World
  5. 16 LBC with kettlebell  /  8 Travolta’s each arm
  6. 8 Shoulder Presses each arm  /  8 Lawn Mowers each arm
  7. 16 Triceps Extensions  /   8 Halos both directions
  8. 8 Lawn Mowers both arms  /  8 Bent Rows each arm (what the heck is this????)

Rinse and repeat as many times as needed! We all got around 1.5 times through the parking spots.

Circle of Trust
Announcements:  Check the weekly newsletter

Prayers & Praises
Welcome to Car Bombs new little girl!

I think it safe to say, many of us are so caught up in our own fast moving selfish lives, we don’t leave much room to “join-in-life” with others. Here are a few questions to ponder:

  1. How often do we step out of our comfort zones to build new relationships?
  2. Better yet, how “deep” do we allow those relationships to go?
  3. Do we share in the lives of others enough to care about what they are going through?

You see, it is pretty easy to lack empathy for others if you don’t know them. Over the last month I’ve realized this is an area of my life that needs a lot of work. I am guessing I am not the only one.

Challenge:  As we end this month of focus on “empathy”, think about a new relationship you can form. It may bring you out of your comfort zone. Heck, you might even be turned down.

But, you never know, this new relationship may be with an individual you can empathize with when they go through one of life’s trials.

God has designed us so that we must have relationships to grow into all that
He desires us to be.

Last questions:  Who will come beside you when your world falls apart? Will anyone know you well enough to empathize with your situation and encourage you despite the outcome. These times will come. Don’t go through them alone. 1 Samuel 23:16-18

It was a pleasure leading this chilly morning! Aye.

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MINDSET@ The Ranch

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 01/26/17
  • Pax: Ginsu, Dixie Chicken, Chicken Wing, Sugar Bug, Samsonite, The Fridge, Stang, FNG (Novocain), Backdraft
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Ranch

YHC was eager to Q the day after his birthday. The Ranch is and always will be one of my favorite sites. There are so many possible places around the grounds to deliver pain to the PAX.

After finishing a great book last week titled Mindset, YHC felt like he should share some of the lessons from it that he learned to the guys. We all have come to F3 for various reasons. Some to get into shape, some to be around men from the neighborhood who seem to have something figured out. Some just get an earful from their kids soccer coach that they say hey I’ll show up only to find out their are a bunch of guys in their community who just want to become better. Better husbands, dads, sons, people. For me it was a lot of all those things. 3 years ago I was just doing life, making it one day to the next, eyes only set on future career moves and making sure their was food and clothes for the M and 2.0s. I was in a fixed Mindset

Speaking to the PAX this morning about this book I wanted to let them realize no matter where they were personally at in their life we always needed to be looking at growing. We cannot become stagnant. We must challenge ourselves to grow, face challenges and accept being critiqued.

We definitely did all of these things during this workout hopefully we can keep it going throughout the rest of our days.

The beat down went like this.

Disclaimer- had to break it down myself since my lawyer did not show up. Plus we had a FNG.

Warmup- mosey, shuffle facing school, shuffle away from school, regular, butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke right and karaoke left.

Circle up. SSH x 41 (guess how old YHC turned), 10 windmills, 10 IW’s all in cadence.

Mosey to picnic benches. Talk about challenges in life and how we deal with them.

Derkins x 10, squats x 10, step ups x 10 all for 3 sets

Mosey to bus drop off- mumble about how we face obstacles in life and how we deal.

10 flying squirrels, 10 calf raises, 10 merkins take a lap around bus island do 3 sets.

Mosey to playground- yap about effort and always putting out our best.

5 pull-ups, 10 in and outs on swings, 15 leg lifts do 3 sets.

Mosey to back of school while trying to breathe talk about taking criticism on using it to better us.

wall sits, diamond merkins, jumping lunges x 10 on each for 3 sets.

mosey to front of middle school. ramble about the success of others and that we should try and find lessons and inspiration from it.

Now the fun do 10 burpees run around the big island until time is up. we only had time for 1 lap so whoever got done early had to do continuous burpees until the six came in. Mosey back to COT as a group.

Once at COT we discussed the results of having a fixed verses a growth type mindset. We all need to try and get into a growth mindset. I struggle, you struggle, our Ms struggle. We aren’t just here for the butt whooping we here to help each other out.

Announcements- Yeti, Children’s attention home, FNGathon at WEP Saturday.

Prayers- Samsonite turmoil at work, Fridge aunt and medical tests,

Welcome FNG Novocain

Sorry for Rambling on.

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