40 Yard Sprints and some Other Stuff

  • QIC: Geronimo
  • When: 11/4/16
  • Pax: Chicken Wing, General, Geronimo (QIC), Kielbasa, Senator Tressell, Skate or Die
  • Posted In: Varsity

Weather was perfect for a Varsity tryout.

Warm up lap, down the hill to Sugar Creek ES and around the bus loop. Stop for a COP with some of the standards and some not so much (goof-balls). Mosey back to the top of the hill to really get busy.

The Thang
5 Pull ups
40 ish yard sprint out and back
5 Brick Plyo Merkins (Hop down and back up for 1 rep)
40 yard sprint
10 each direction Apollo Ohno (speed skaters)
40 yard sprint
Next round add 20 double count flutter kicks
Repeato until time

Definitely was pushing the redline on the tach today and I was somewhere between the middle and back of the pack. Was looking for a way to mix a lot of sprints in without being too long to keep some of the more speed challenged (me) with the rest of the group. It was a fun day to end a pretty taxing week of working the night shift. By my count everyone completed the circuit 4 1/2 times.

Privilege to lead such an awesome group of men.


TClap |

The Fort 1st F Convergence – 6 in 1 “Better Together”

  • QIC: Cake Boss, Riddler, Sasquatch, Dark Helmet, Bones, Tesh, Repeat
  • When: 10/28/2016
  • Pax: Missing 2 names....my apologies! Airborne, Aquaman, Atticus, Backdraft, Barry Manilow, BassOmatic, Birdcage, Bolt, Bones, Bonsai, Bounty Hunter, Bull Winkle, Cake Boss, Catfish, Cha Ching, Change Order, Chaser, Chedda, Chickenwing, Cobra Kai, Corn hole, Couples, CSPAN, Culture Club, Corruption, Dark Helmet, Davinchi, Destiny, Dilbert, Ditch Witch, Dog Pound, FNG - Deer Hunter, Gilmore, Lil E, Mainframe, Newman, Olaf, Old Bay, On the Rocks, Package, Pinstripe, Rain Bird, Repeat, Riddler, Royale, Sasquatch, Shady, Sheet Rock, Short Sale, Skate or Die, Skinny Jeans, Spiderman, Spinner, Stang, Tesh, Training Wheels, Trucker, What Did, WWL, Zima
  • Posted In: Brothership, Slow Burn, The Hive, The Swamp, Varsity

“The evening of your life is determined by the morning of it.” -G Laurie

62 men decided to get their morning off on the right step. By coming together as a PAX to get better physically and spiritually. The Fort has 5 Friday AOs and then add in the Ruck option we have 6 options for men to challenge themselves and take the Daily Red Pill (DLP). Here at the Slow Burn AO, these other AO’s came to fellowship:

  • SlowBurn (moderate)led by Riddler
  • Varsity (high intensity)led by Sasquatch
  • Hive(kettle bell) led by Tesh
  • Ruck led by Dark Helmet
  • Swamp (boot camp)led by Bones
  • Brothership (run) led by Repeat

Here are the backblasts and details of the Pain in the gloom.  Thank you to Site Qs and workout Qs for cooperation and leadership in making this happen!

The Swamp: 

Warm up
Phase 1:
  • Lunge Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 5 burpees | Lunge Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)  10 merkins
  • Bear Crawl  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Bear Crawl Walks  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Ranger Merkins
  • Broad Jump (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Broad Jump  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Wide grip merkins
  • Crab Walk  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)  | Crab Walk  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Partner Push  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards) | Partner Push  (25 yards)  Jog (25 yards)
Phase 2:
  • Wall sits 1 minute
  • 30 dips
  • Balls to Wall 1 minute
  • Line Jumps (side to side) 30
  • Line Jumps (Front to back) 30
Phase 3:
Partner switch
  • Sprint 100 yards | LBCs
  • Sprint 100 yards | Flutter Kicks
  • Sprint 100 yards | Freddie Murcury’s 

Brothership: Pax: Repeat, Corruption, Aquaman,  and Bolt

Mosey to Kingsley development down to roundabout on the road behind the parking deck.  Sprint and jog in-between each light pole to the entrance off of HWY 21. On the way back jog , sprint, 5 squats. At the roundabout go up the hill(towards 160). This time Jog two poles, sprint one, 10 squats. To the entrance off 160. Circle up for 15 LBCs and 15 merkins. Jog back out. We were a few mins late getting back to Empire, but had a total distance of a little over 4 miles.


Ruck workout:
Teams of 4 – carry to each station, then switch

1.    Carry the log

2.    Carry the worm

3.    Carry the baby angry gorilla, the shoulder bag, 2 KBs

4.    Carry the casualties

Lap around Lowe’s

–       Stop at guard rail to do 100 dips as a team

–       Stop at opposite corner for 100 merkins as a team

–       Stop in front of shed for 100 burpees as a team

–       Stop at railings in front of empire for 100 supine pull ups and 100 flutter ruck presses as a team

Drop the coupons off at the truck and then

–       Line up by Empire Pizza and Bear crawl to the first line, then double time the rest of the way

–       Repeato on the way back

Overhead carry rucks back to COT – Dark Helmet
Brief mosey into some dynamic warm-up/stretches and SSH…
Power (almost an) Hour-
80s 90s 00s Rock songs blaring and changing every minute… so EMONTM (every minute on the minute) for 22 rounds: 3 plank jacks, 2 burpees, 1 squat jump, side shuffle total ~30 yards there and back… then EMONTM for 20 rounds: 3 burpees, 2 peter parkers, 1 jumping lunge, side shuffle total ~30 yards to and fro… mosey back to COT.
*Note: 104 burpees completed
To set the stage I place 16 cups around the outside of the parking lot with two exercises on them.
Paired Pax off with someone they did not know in group of 2 or 3. Each group started on exercise 1
and moved clockwise around to each cup. Once they finished the first round, they would move on to the
next exercise in round 2.

Exercises Included:

Low Slow Squats
Bobby Hurleys
Kraken Burpees
Prison Cells
Carolina Dry Docks
Dive Bombers
Wide Arm Merkins
Diamond Merkins
Box Cutters
Hello Dolly
Flutter Kicks
Jump Squats
Bomb Jacks
Plank Jacks
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers
Imperial Walkers
Overhead Claps
Mountain Climbers
Squats and several others

Indian Run with a 10 merkin drop from the front. Once pax completed ten the next line leader would drop, give ten and catch back up to the line. Repeat all the way back to COT.

Finished up having pax holding a cup. We had three cups flipped over on the ground. I spoke to filling our cups daily from the Lord relying on his grace and mercy through his word. The three cups on the ground represent the brothers that need our support and the Lord for daily guidance. If we leave them turned over they will never come to see the true love of the Lord. So remember reach out to those pax that you have not seen in a while and see how they are doing. The Lord fills our cup daily so that we can be a blessing to those he puts in our lives.

Psalm 23:2


Riddler in for the Slow Burn

Awesome turn out and great morning with men that are getting better together. See divided we can only accomplish a little, but with a brother and someone to hold us accountable to our goals, we can accomplish so much more. Let’s continue to give it away brothers and get more men out of the Sad Clown syndrome and get better!!!
Cake Boss
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I want to see Cake Boss in spandex

  • QIC: Birdcage
  • When: 10/21/16
  • Pax: Skate or Die, Chick Wing, Kielbasa, Geronimo, What Did
  • Posted In: Varsity

Cake Boss the title is thanks to Kielbasa. Not sure what he was thinking (jk I know exactly what he was thinking). Either way as a group we decided it took the title spot. 6 decided to take the Varsity Plunge. What goes better after a long week than a good HITS workout. I digress….

The Thang

Disclaimer by YHC, mostly accurate….we were off. Indian run lap touring NAFO. Brief circle for

10 Moroccan Night Clubs and 10 Windmills….. Yea we are warm

Mosey to parking lot for the real action. Timer set to 1 minute increments with 10 second rest. We arrived to find 10 index cards laying before us. Each card was a different level of twisted. Exercises  as follows…..Heels to Heaven, Grave Digger Right Side, Left arm high, LBC, Peter Parker, Penguin (as Kielbasa to pronounce this), Right arm high, Superman, X’s and O’s, Grave digger left side.

This completed the first round of 10 minutes. I never thought a timer count down would sounds so good until 1 minute of any of these. Decided we better take a fast lap around parking lot to stretch the core out. Stopped only for some bear crawls and inch worms. Ended hot lap with the plank from hell. Hands out 2″ farther…then farther….then farther still. 10 counts by Skate or Die and Kielbasa.

Back to the fun. Flip the cards over to find nothing good. Next series of 1 minute increments included….Mountain climbers, Mac tar Ji (I guess this is how you spell it), 6″ LBC, Freddy Mercury, V-Ups, Flutter kicks, Elbow plank, Regular plank, Parker peter, Military sit ups.

Yea YHC is an idiot. No one could move. So of coarse we sprinted to the lower lot for wall sits, bear crawls, bomb jacks. Out of time sprint back to COT.

Announcements- Check your newsletter, The forging Camping trip, Soccer Arms sign up, Christmas Party sign up

Prayers- Our nation and city


There wasn’t a general theme today but I wanted to relay some struggles I am having. Guard your heart men, don’t be envious of others. Your house, job, salary, or friends don’t make who you are. You (and I) are children of the most high. Find your identity in him. How much more are we than birds that God must provide for. Let us all remember what we have. Don’t fall into the trap, the easy route, and focus on the things we don’t have. Thanks for the invite Skate or Die and thank you brothers for your support.


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Old School Beatdown

  • QIC: Chicken Wing
  • When: 10/14/2016
  • Pax: Sasquatch, Skate or Die, Backdraft, Kielbasa, Blackout(respect), Kembo, What Did, Chicken Wing
  • Posted In: Varsity

What a glorious morning for some of the finest Fort PAX to come together and make each other better. Perfect conditions, 8 strong, and all was quiet leading up to the gun. Shasquatch came in early, at least a full minute, no squealing tires, no close encounters with a pedestrian, so you know it was all business.

We had a range of young and old, new and veteran PAX, all with the intent on getting better together.

With the disclaimer, we were off to a mosey.

Butt Kickers, High Knees, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karoke Right, Karoke Left.

COP WarmUp all IC, 20 count.

SSH, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Low Slow Squat.

Indian Run with a Burpee Twist. After a full line went through, we did 10 burpees OYO. 3 rounds and we were at the block pile. Partner up with blocks. Time for catch me if you can. P#1 went running, if you can call it that with a block, P#2 did 10 Merkins. Switch once P#2 caught #1. Ran around SCES and wound up back at the LAX field. Backdraft and Shasquatch ran a little extra and Skate or Die had to go shag em like a bad hook shot as they were up the hill trying to call “T” a little to early. Not quite yet fellas.

On the field, the wienke was over zealous and we only had time for 3 out of 8. Good thing as we would have been there for another 20 minutes and it would NOT have been all that enjoyable.

R#1 – 10 Junk Yard Dogs, 20 Merkins, 30 Jumping Lunges, 40 Mountain Climbers.
R#2 – Repeato
R#3 – 10 Partner Derkins, 20 Bombjacks, 30 Monkey Humpers, 40 Flutter Kicks. Those were all IC and could make a grown man cry.

Approaching time so we grabbed blocks, racked and stacked, and headed to COT. With 1 minute remaining, did 30 LBCs. What Did can even spell that.


Mercy is the word and went into how we are leaders in the community and with our families. We need to have mercy for those around us as we are becoming the light for those around us.

Prayers to F3, for the group, Eastern NC.

Collected a few cases of water, What Did ran down to CNW.

Close out prayer.

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FLOOD RELIEF EFFORTS: Calling all Fort and Rock Pax

I just got our work assignments.  We received 5 work orders for tree removal and 1 for house muckout (remove drywall, carpet, etc).  We will need to bring tools (chainsaws, axes, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, leaf blower, etc) like we did last week and additional tools (flat nosed shovels, hammers, sheetrock knives, wheelbarrows, etc) and safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, dust masks, etc) this week.

The current plan is that we will meet at the Lowes by Baxter at 5:00 and leave for Conway, SC.  We would complete work at about 2:00 or 3:00 so that we can return for trick-or-treating with our families.  We will need to bring lunches and water.

Please DM @darkhelmetf3 or email me: frankschwartz@me.com with your HCs.


Work crews leaving out tomorrow. We will need help next week as well, so please check your calendars and let me know if you can make it. Here’s the details for tomorrow’s work.

We have been assigned 6 work orders to remove fallen trees (some greater than 18″ diameter) in the Bishopsville area.  We will be meeting tomorrow morning at the Lowe’s in Baxter at 6:00 am and will be leaving at 6:15. This will put us in Bishopsville at about 8:00.

We will be splitting into 2 groups and each group will have a team leader and will work on 3 work orders.  We will carpool and drive down as groups since the groups will be working at different addresses.

The teams are a mix of F3 Pax and Men (and one M) from my church. Again, there will be opportunity to go again next weekend, so LET ME KNOW.

We need to bring the following tools and we will split them up between the 2 groups:

Chainsaws (I think 5 were volunteered and so please bring them along with gas, oil, sharpening tools or whatever else would be needed)

Bring what you need to work safely.
In order to ensure we are as safe as possible while working on these projects, remember not to work after dark when good visibility is no longer possible, and please be sure to bring:

  • Safety glasses / goggles
  • Work boots or sturdy closed toe shoes
  • Work gloves
  • Pants (not shorts)

We need to bring our own lunch and water.  The team leaders will bring a cooler for water and drinks to be put in.

We will work until 5:30 or 6:00 and so if we finish our work orders early then we will see if there are other neighbors in the area that would like some help.  We can then find a place to eat in Bishopsville or head home. 


Flood waters are finally starting to recede on the coast in some areas to a point where we can get in to help. I don’t have all the details yet. They should be forthcoming soon, but here is what I know and what I need at this point.
Early Saturday morning we are looking for strong backs and weak minds to travel to Myrtle Beach and Florence, SC to start the debris clearing. This means that we will need willing men, chainsaws, hand saws, loppers, shovels, possibly wheelbarrows, etc. We will be heading back that evening on this go around. (We will likely be doing an overnight trip next week once the mucking out of houses and such begins. Flood waters are not allowing for this in most areas at this time, is what I understand.) We will also be taking donations down with us. We will take the water that has been collected to now, and any other that we may be able to collect between now and then…
Your HCs ASAP! Hit me on twitter: @darkhelmetf3 (I’ll follow you back so we can share contact info if needed) and tell me if you can make it. It will be a very early start and a fairly late return that day.

Men, I know that there are TONS of ways to help right now, and TONS of places we could do it. If this doesn’t fit you, that’s ok, just help somewhere. However, this is what we are being asked to do for right now. It may seem like a small thing, but it will make a big difference.


Pax, I thought it would be good to give an update on where things stand with the relief efforts. There is much more damage and many more problems than we anticipated in SC, GA, and NC than we (in the Fort) have resources to take care of. It’s important to remember that we will hear of needs all over. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do it all. I often get frustrated and sad that we can’t just fix it, but so be it.

That said, at this time, we are in a holding pattern. The storm surge is continuing to rise in many of those areas, and over the next 48 hours or so there will be continued flooding and other problems that will continue to arise. It will likely be this weekend and into next week before we can safely enter any of those areas. So, as hard as it is, hang tight. Please keep letting me know about the needs that you hear of and about your individual availability to travel (possibly overnight) to affected areas over this weekend and into (and through) next week. Also, keep your eyes on the Twitter machine and FB, etc. for further updates.

Thank you, men, for all you do.
Helmet, out.


Almost one year to the day from our relief efforts in Columbia, SC, and here we go again. Our brothers (F3), but maybe even more importantly, the communities where our brothers and sisters (God’s children) live are feeling the force and will soon be digging out from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.

I am in contact with some of our coastal Pax and with members and leaders of my Church to try and get updates on needs. I imagine that there will be needs for donations, much like we had for Columbia (water, food, fuel, etc.), and also we want to organize work crews to go down as needed. At this point (10/8/16, 1700hrs), I know of many downed trees, lots of flooding, etc., but we do not know yet what can be done or when. Many communities (whole counties actually) have not started letting residents back in yet.

Here is what I need from you. I need to know if you can plan to go down with crews sometime in the coming days and weeks to administer relief. This will likely consist of delivering supplies, clearing roads, removing debris, and gutting homes and businesses that were flooded. We will need tools, strong backs, and donations. As soon as I know more, I will amend this post.

Again, at this point, if you can comment on this post, or DM me on Twitter, as to whether you can go and what days, that will help to start. Also, if you know of needs or people that are in those areas organizing efforts there, that would be great to know also.



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Delta-ish Day at Varsity

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 09/30/16
  • Pax: Geronimo, Mission Impossible, Spiderman, Skate or Die, Kielbasa, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: Varsity

What time is it? 0515? Yeah… I’m still writing stupid stuff on these cones, so just give me a second. Hey, can you help me carry all this heavy crap over to the pullup bars? Thanks, fellas, you’re real gems… Yes, I know the AO is barely 1 mile from my house, but please remind me again…

Warm it up, Kris… I’m about to…
Jog down the hill to the back of the Elementary School and introduce the Pax to the loop they will be running later, then…
Windmills x 10
SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parkers x 10
Parker Peters x 10
Imperial Walkers x 10

The Thang:

One Pax runs down the hill and around the 2nd island in the lot to the left and back up the hill (just under 1/4 mile). This guy is the timer for the rest of us (it took roughly 1 to 2 minutes depending on the Pax). Then the rest of the Pax rotate through the following stations:
– Block Burpee Press (35lb.)
– Flutter Kick with Sandbag press (50lb.)
– Cinderblock Overhead Press (35lb.)
– Sandbag Jump Squats (45lb.)
– Farmers Walk (35lb. ruck/35lb. KB)
– Pullups (unweighted/unassisted)
– Cinderblock Curls (35lb.)
Repeato until 0559.

Last weekend, I participated in an event put on by F3 Isotope called The Delta. It was… well… awful… It was 6 miles of rucking and sandbags and pullups and pain, and by the end, I thought that I would NEVER do anything like that again. Then, of course, 48 hours later, my team had already convinced me that we would do it again next year. And THAT is probably one of my most favorite things about F3. I am constantly pushed beyond what I would do on my own. If I am going to be vulnerable, I’ve never had to work that hard for much in my life growing up. I”m not proud of that. I was kind of a spoiled brat, actually. Before F3 (and even now, more often than I’d like to admit), if left to my own devices, I’m not going to push myself very far beyond what I am comfortable with. That all goes out the window, though, when you have committed to 3 other men that you will be at a certain place, at a certain time, to do a certain really stupid thing. Simply put, we are better together, and that is that. Thank you, brothers, for freeing this SadClown…

Helmet, out.

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Pax, Pullups and Sprints

  • QIC: WhatDid
  • When: 9/23/2016
  • Pax: Pikachu, Kielbasa,Red card,Leg breaker,Chicken Wing,Skate or Die,WhatDid (QIC)
  • Posted In: Varsity

The Pax slowly rolled in on this fine Friday and with 7 Pax in total ready to work I gave the disclaimer, modify as needed and I’m not a professional, we went after it.

The thang…
Mossy down to the lower school basketball court for a quick warmup.

Circle up for
20 SSH
30 Moroccan night clubs
15 windmills
15 Merkins

We then mossied up to the pull up bars for round of HIITs.

At the pull bars we completed four sets of:
30 second pull ups
10 second break
60 SSH
10 second break
20 burpees
1 minute break and repeat

You can do the math, but I’ll give you a hint, that’s 80 burpees!!!

We then mossied over to the band paved practice football field on the upper level. I would have preferred to do this portion on the track, but it was closed. Here’s the thang and the field worked well.

200 yard sprint (not 50%, not 75%, but 100%!)
10 second break
15 squat jumps
10 second break
20 walking lunges
1 minute break


We ran out of time and headed to COT.

Prayers & Announcements
Prayers for our law enforcement, community and leaders and the community of Charlotte.
9/30 Invergence –
Check the weekly newsletter

Thanks SkateOrDie for the opportunity to lead the workout.
WhatDid out!

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Rocky HIITs Varsity

  • QIC: MP
  • When: 09/16/16
  • Pax: Skate or Die, Chicken Wing, General, Bobcat, Kilbasia, Red Card, Griswold, Birdcage, Leg Breaker
  • Posted In: Varsity

10 PAX entered the ring ready for the bell.  Unfortunately they were immediately punched in the face by Mr Pull up and his 10 friends.

Double Suggestion:  Whatever I suggest is merely a suggestion…

Warm-up: Mosey around parking lot, 20 SSHs, 10 Windmills, 20 MNCs, 10 Merkins – All in cadence.

The Thang:

5 of each: Perfect pull ups, hanging leg lifts, jump taps, burpees, wall sits until six is in and then 10 count.  Repeat all exercises with 4 reps, then 3, 2 and 1.

Mosey to basketball court. 10 stations for some Rocky themed HIITs! 1 minute High intensity with 30 second rest, rotate clockwise.

Station 1-Jump Rope, Station 2-Alternating medicine ball lay-ups, 3- 30lb curls, 4-LBCs, 5-Merkins, 6-20lb Kettle bell American Hammers, 7- 5lb shadow boxing, 8-1 lap w/GoRuck 20lb weight, 9-Dips, 10-Suicides.  Rinse and repeat.

COT: Prayers/Praises: Clark Kent, Varsity

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Thank you Dark Helmet for the cinder blocks

As we assembled, reliving Monday’s workout & the Murph, the 2K+ yards of sprints that Chicken Wing had us do at The Coop on Wednesday and Birdcage’s neverending series of plank jacks at WEP yesterday, we readied ourselves for the imminent pain and got on our way.  Leaving the Nation Ford High School football stadium area, we began a mosey up and around the bus loop ending at the stash of cinder blocks near the tennis courts – “hey, cinder blocks all around – woot woot!”.  We then mosey’d down the hill (carrying the cinder clocks), stopped to complete warm-ups consisting of 10 side straddle hops, 10 imperial walkers, 10 low slow squats, 10 morroccan night clubs, and 10 seal jacks (we did not use the cinder blocks in warm-ups, but food for thought for next time), and then continued on to the Sugar Creek Elementary School playground basketball court.  I was clearly not awake when placing the cones out on the court, because the reality of just how dark it was outside became evident when we could not see the exercises written on the cones – frankly, we couldn’t even see the cones.  Using the light on my phone, we preceeded to begin the 4-corners of pain challenge.  A total of 5 cones were placed out – 1 cone in each corner of the the court and 1 cone located at center court.  Each cone (station) had 3 exercises written on them.  Each exercise directly incorporated the cinder block.  Stations 1 & 3 were upper body, stations 2 & 4 were lower body, and center court was abs.  Starting at station 1: the first exercise was completed (25 reps, 15 each side if split left/right), before carrying the block to center court and completing the first exercise (AMRAP until the 6 is in and has completed 10 reps).  The group then proceeded to station 2.  Rinse and repeat until all 3 exercises at all 4 stations (and the associated abs exercises) have been completed, carrying/using the block the whole entire time.  Exercises were completed as follows: Derkins, Leg Lifts, Alternating Back Lunges, LBCs, Wide Arm Derkins, Freddie Mercury’s, Alternating Lunges, American Hammers, Dips, Leg Lifts, Low Slow Squats, LBCs, Overhead Triceps Extensions, Freddie Mercury’s, Squat & Curls, American Hammers, Carolina Dry Docks, Leg Lifts, Alternating Power Step-ups, LBCs, Curl & Presses, Freddie Mercury’s, Alternating Side Lunges, American Hammers.  Did I mentioned that every exercise directly incorporated the use of the cinder block?!  We then picked up the cinder blocks and cones and mosey’d back up the hill, re-stashing our cinder blocks to be brought out and put to good use again in the future.  Hearing the 6 o’clock beep of one of the PAX’s watch, we mosey’d back to COT where it all began.  Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama (6 PAX – Leg Breaker, Kielbasa, Chicken Wing, MP, SkateOrDie, and named FNG “Red Card”), Prayers & Praise Reports – prayed the safety and success of the PAX (F3 & FIA) running BRR and BOM.

Great job today – it was a great finish to a great week!  #HIMS #UvU #MeVMe # ISI

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Convergence to Support Army 385th MCT Deployment


Mark your calendars for Tuesday September 13, for a special Convergence to support YHC brother-in-law, 1st Lt. Tyler J. Strom (Convoy). As many of you know, Lt. Strom and his Unit (385th MCT) will be deploying in the following months. The goal for this convergence is to support Lt. Strom and pay homage to all our men & women who have served / currently serving our Nation. Lt. Strom will be your guest Q so come prepared for some PT and be sure you have a clean shave or you will suffer the consequences (his words!).

To support his Unit, we’re asking PAX for donations towards care-package items (review the list of items below). If you’re not the shopping type, you can give a monetary donation as well. Bring all items to the convergence. If you’re unable to make it and still want to give, reach out to myself (504-813-2901 / tommy.vadell4@gmail.com) and I can coordinate a pickup time with you.

When: Tuesday September 13
Location: Ballroom (875 Gold Hill Rd, Fort Mill, SC 29708)
Time: 0515-0600
2/3 F: 0600-0630 (Coffee & donuts will be provided / bring lawn chairs)

What to Bring:

  • Care-package donations
  • Monetary donations (going towards shipping & supplies)
  • Empty shoe box
  • Lawn Chair (for 2/3 F)
  • Red pill
  • FNG

Care-Package List (Do’s / Don’ts)

  • Foods
    • DO’S Rule of thumb – anything that can fit in their cargo pockets
      • Trail mix
      • Beef jerky
      • Crackers (peanut butter/cheese etc.)
      • Ground coffee
      • Chicken salad w/ crackers packets
      • Bars (protein/breakfast etc.)
      • etc.
    • DON’TS
      • Liquids
  • Candy
    • DO’S
      • Gum
      • Hard candy
    • DON’TS
      • Chocolate
      • NO SUGAR FREE CANDY. They don’t want any issues from the backside!
  • Hygiene
    • DO’S
      • Gold bond (Highly valued)
      • Tooth paste
      • Pads/tampons (they do have some females in his unit so ask the M to help out)
      • Deodorant
    • DON’TS
      • Mouth wash
  • Medicine
    • DO’S
      • Tylenol
      • Motrin/ibuprofen
      • Tums
      • Throat Lozenges
      • Moleskin (for blisters)
    • DONT’S
      • No liquid meds
      • Hard meds (Vicodin etc.)
  • Misc.
    • DO’S
      • Socks (athletic)
      • T-shirts
      • Magazines
      • Games (cards, soduko, crossword etc.)
      • Baby wipes / hand sanitizers
    • DONT’S
      • Adult Magazines

We thank everyone in advance for their support!

Bounty Hunter over and out!

TClap |