Chupacabra farewell with ladders 🪜 sandbags and rucks

WARMUP: no warm up
THE THANG: Tabata every 2 minutes, drop and do 10 merkins with ruck on… first one was even before we launched… whining coming from everywhere…

We had a ladder 🪜 loaded with sandbags (4×40 plus 2×60) pick up the ladder, put it on shoulders and start moving around the 1/4 mile loop, every time the timer went off we had to do 10 merkins, do Tabata and pick up ladder again and keep moving… stop about 1/3 of the loop right after the buzzer went off, form two lines and start passing the Sandbags sideways to the pax next in line, return Sandbags to starting point, now pass sandbags overhead to pax next to you, rinse and repeat twice… buzzer went off a couple of times during the sandbags exercise so everyone knew what to do…

Load sandbags back on ladder and keep moving, we didn’t get too far went buzzer went off again.. 10 more!! Advanced to starting point just in time for another buzzer, another 10 merkins; form two lines and start tossing the Sandbags to the other end of parking lot… yes, you guessed it, buzzer went off a few times… rinse and repeat… load up the ladder and keep moving… another 1/3 of the loop and buzzer went off again, 10 more, fork two lines and unload ladder, this time it was over the shoulder toss to pax next/behind you.. rinse and repeat twice and yes, buzzer went off a couple times…

Load up the ladder and keep moving.. another buzzer 2/6 of the loop, drop do merkins and grab ladder and keep moving… we had enough time to go back to COT
MARY: 20 squats with ruck on… buzzer went off one last time, 10 merkins… another round of 20 squats… 6 o’clock

It’s been my pleasure to be the site Q for Chupacabra for the past 16-18 months but it was time to put Chupa to sleep… we’ve had some great events and variety of WODs, and some times miles and smiles…

Thanks for everyone’s support…

Tinsel OUT

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