Soupy Sprinting

WARMUP: mosey perimeter of field, dynamic warm-up of knees to chest, heel to waist, butt kicks, high knees, monster walk, karaoke, side shuffle, lunge, upward dog and downward dog
THE THANG: pyramid sprints – 100yd (60″ rest), 80yd (50″ rest), 60yd (40″ rest), 40yd (30″ rest), 20yd (20″ rest), then back up the ladder, down the ladder, up the ladder
tire flips: 2 on, 2 off x 5 minutes
double sled push: 20yds x2 🤢🤮
COT: prayers for our Ms

Consider a name change for @skateordie to @SPRINTorDIE… being as that both happened to him today.
why does he let me talk him into this maniacal activity?


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