The Battle: Kitchen Sink edition

Nice cool morning here in the greater Tega Cay area. As we were waiting in the parking lot YHC was hoping for at least 1 more pax to show up for what I had planned. Thankfully PETA pulled in at 5:14 and we were ready to go!


25 Merkins IC ( I’m a little disappointed in myself when I struggled with my last rep. I will do better next time)
25 Flutters IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Flutters IC
5 Merkins IC
5 Flutters IC

Mosey to the Tree within the Traffic Circle

Counted off the pax into team 1 and team 2. Facing opposite ways we did a competitive “challenge run” running around the large traffic circle in front of the school. This run required the 6 to do 2 burpees before running to the front. To win each team had to complete 4 laps. Winners got to do 10 Burpees and losers had to do 20. Pax pushed and it was a VERY close race as a result we both won and did 10 burpees.

Mosey to the front of the school.

We began the 2nd portion of the workout doing a Tabata style sequence 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest.

2 Rounds of :
HR Merkins
Diamond Merkins

After the second round we did a recovery lap and got into the mental battle known as “last man planking” In short we circled up and held plank as long as we could until no one could plank anymore. I would periodically call merkins to “thin the herd”. After calling 5 merkins IC everyone held fast. After calling 6 merkins IC we had 4-5 drop. After calling 7 Merkins IC we had everyone else drop except for YHC and Maximas. With that Maximas was declared the winner and we moved on to COT with just about 7 minutes to go.

With a little under 7 minutes to go of course I called a Burpee EMOM. Started with a round of 10, moved to 11, moved to 12, back down to 11, down to 10, and then one last round of 10. With only 30 seconds left we did a light stretch and 1 more HR merkin for good measure.

Great work by all the men who showed especially Flounder as he sets a great example for all the other PAX.

The Theme today was “the Battle”. Not only the battle we face with competition, or each other but mostly the battle we have with ourselves. How much can you push yourself and how far are you willing to go? Chances are you can go at least “one more rep” you just need to believe you can and people to help push you further.

Thanks for the opportunity! Until Next Time!

TClap |

Happy birthday Currahee. Now get to work!


Low slow squat
Bear complex with sandbag:
– hang clean
– Front squat
– Push press
– Back squat
– Push press


Workout 1
Reps: 21-15-9
Throw sandbag over shoulder
Merkins (with ruck)
4 count flutters (slick)
Ruck swings

Workout 2
Sandbag back squats
Sandbag rows
Mode of transport: sandbag bear hug carry

Workout 3
10 minute AMRAP
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
10 push press
Carry sandbag to light pole and back (regular back carry)

Workout 4
Catch me if you can
1 sandbag per team
Partner 1 does farmers carry
Partner 2 does 5 burpees (ruck on) then ruck shuffles to catch up

Hello dollies

Everyone has stuff they’re going through. Don’t be a Dick

TClap |

First BOP of 2023

Warm Up
Brisk lap around the soccer field.

Ruck BOP
Set distance of 20 yards between two points
Bear crawl to point B, exercise, lunge walk back to point A. Repeat until complete.
30 4 ct SSH
30 Ruck Curls
30 OH Tricep Extension
30 OH Press
30 Ruck Merkins
30 4 ct Flutter w/Press
30 Squats
30 Good Mornings
30 4 ct Russian Twist
30 ct Z Press
30 ct Reverse Lunge
30 ct Ruck Sit Ups

Ended the BOP with a lap around the school ar a conversational pace. Watch out for ice!

Broga! At a ruck workout! It was magnificent.

Praises for pregnant wives. God is good. Prayers for healthy pregnancy, delivery, and life for both mom and baby.
Praise for church on Sunday. For the community of believers.

A pleasure as always to Q. Thanks Divac for keeping it real and scheduling YHC!

Punch List out.

TClap |

Progress over Perfection

It was a nice warm morning at ROF where we had 4…yes 4 FNG’s


Since tomorrow would’ve been my grandmothers 103’rd birthday we went ahead and did 103 burpees.

12 Burpees on EMOM for 8 minutes + 7 more for 103

At ROF Cousin Eddie is asking us to bring our story/challenges to our Q’s so I incorporated my story into the workout. First was laying the groundwork with what I struggle with.


Ten years ago on paper I was “good”. Had a great job, house, finishing my MBA and my first child was born. Underneath though, I was far from good. I constantly doubted myself, truth be told I didn’t like myself. While I had family and some friends I didn’t have “friends” not like F3. In a word, even though I was surrounded by ppl in a lot of ways I was alone. When stress came, and it did, I wasn’t equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to deal with it. I didn’t have the positive outlets I needed. So I did the wrong things. I kept it inside, I ate or drank and escaped into lazy excuses. Long story short, I was at least 50-60lbs heavier then compared to what I am now. My first 5 K I finished around 40 minutes. So one day I made the call to get help. I made the call to talk to a therapist. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit but I needed it. Making that call was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the very start of me being able to turn my physical, mental, and spiritual health around. But a lot like a rock just starting to go downhill……that journey didn’t accelerate until about 4 years ago when I joined up with F3.

The doubts still remain….I weigh myself multiple times a day. It’s sounds dumb and unnecessary but it’s just how I check myself. For work I make it a point to be the first to log on/show up on my team each day. For faith I have my SL to continue to inspire me and give me perspective. I can say I am better now than I was….but that journey continues, there’s always a hill to climb and it’ll never end.

So With that, I incorporated 5 sayings/rules that have helped me along the way with different exercises.

Progress over Perfection
4 minutes Tabata Flutters /Lbcs Each Minute increase your total rep count. Push yourselves
Any Great thing isn’t accomplished alone
Bear Crawl Web 1 merkin to 4 bear crawl steps. All the way to 10-40. This was on the Football Field.
Anything worth doing is going to be hard.
25 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
Occham’s Razor – the simplest explanation/solution is usually the right one
Sprint to the 50 Do 10 Burpees
Sprint to the Goal Line and do 10 burpees
Staring at a hill….doesn’t make it smaller or easier.
Run to the top of the hill by the entrance and do 5 Merkins and 5 LBCS at the top of the hill. Run back down to the bottom and repeat running all the way to COT.

With 10 seconds left I let the Pax know how much I’m thankful for them and that I love them………then I asked them for 5 more burpees.

Honored to lead and to share!

Thank you all!

TClap |

Currahee – Sapper Style

YHC’s brother in law (F3 Blanca) recently graduated Sapper school for US Army and is headed to his first post at Fort Bragg as a 2nd LT tomorrow! YHC did my best to build a #weinke worthy of the Sapper level of fitness. Check out more on Sapper here:

Here’s the workout:
Currahee Weinke

Warm Up:
• Ruck Shuffle around big loop with breaks to do exercises
o Squat
o Merkin
o Mountain Climber
o Flutter with press

Main Thang:
Partner up. Each partner does the exercise. Ruck OH for SIX (curls at failure)
Round 1 – Partner A has ruck; Partner B has ruck
• A: Ruck pull through with merkin
• B: Ruck to mid-field – 5 burpees slick; Ruck to fence – 5 burpees slick
• A: Ruck thrusters
• B: Dairy carry to fence – 10 burpees slick
• A: Ruck curls
• B: No strap carry to mid-field – 10 burpees slick
Round 2 – Partner A is slick; Partner B has both rucks
• A: Burpees
• B: Ruck on / Ruck OH to mid field – 5 squat with Ruck OH
• A: Lt. Air Dan (2 lunges + jump squat)
• B: Dairy carry both rucks to fence – 5 man makers
• A: BBS
• B: Ruck front/back to fence – 5 squats
Round 3 – Partner A has both rucks; Partner B is slick
• A: Ruck on / Ruck Press
• B: NUR to fence – Run back
• A: Ruck on / Ruck Curl
• B: Bear crawl to mid field – Crawl bear back
• A: One ruck TWO weights – Squat
• B: Run to fence – 10 burpees

Strong work done by ALL men this morning. Great to see Tsunami back in the gloom! Mainframe did Mainframe things and we all watched in awe. Olaf did Olaf things and we all watched in confusion but also in awe (umm one armed burpees anyone?). Blanca confirmed the #weinke met his expectations. YHC just tried not to spill merlot.

Announcements: D2D Fundraiser – do it!

COT: Praise for seeing joy in our kids eyes. Prayers to make the first things first – ALWAYS!

TClap |

Cardio & Coupons at The Sink

WARMUP: 8min warm up run wherever you choose but be back for the rest of the warmup.
Windmills & Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 30yd Crab Walk to the coupons (sounds a lot like last week) and grab a coupon of your liking, or disliking. Options were sandbags, kettle bells, rucks and cinderblocks.
1min Thrusters then a 10sec rest
1min Chest Press then a 10sec rest
1min Overhead Press then a 10sec rest
1min Derkins then a 10sec rest
1min Dips then a 10sec rest
1min Thrusters then a 10sec rest

Run a lap around the parking lot.
With coupon, 12 fixed leg lunges, each leg
20yd Partner Pushes, twice

Run a lap around the parking lot.
With coupon up in the air, leg lifts, bicycles and flutters w/ the press.
6ct Burpees
More Thrusters
Run another lap
MARY: Incorporated throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Divac articulated the meaning of having Autism Strong as a organization we’re fundraising for with D2D. Read your newsletter and engage in one of the many outreach opportunities.
COT: It happened and it was powerful.

TClap |

Stupid face cards!

WARMUP: quick mosey around parking lot, SSH, windmills, squats, merkins, up and down dogs, back and hamstring stretches
THE THANG: as we surrounded 4 KBs and 3 sandbags, we looked at the deck of cards along with the wienke that had all the exercises. Face cards are Jack 11, Queen 12, etc. “Breaks” were after 6-8 cards…I’ll explain later. Ruck was worn for most exercises.
• Hearts 2-7 chest press and swings; 8-Ace curls
• Spades 2-7 lunges (double count); 8-Ace merkins
• Diamonds 2-7 man makers; 8-Ace squats
• Clubs 2-7 clean and press; 8-Ace flutter with press
• joker – carry all the from the front of the school down to the softball field…maybe 200 yards there and back
• after 6-8 cards we took a break which consisted of a shuffle with ruck, gear carry swapping after 200 yards, mosey slick
• after we got back from breaks or jokers, we’d rotate positions so we had different gear in front of us given the different items in our arsenal.
MARY: none today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: skate or die has JOC tomorrow for a ruck workout, dam to dam fundraising
COT: praying for illnesses

TClap |

So Funhouse can stop crying…

WARMUP: Very little
– To the pull up bars where we performed an idiot sequence of pullups one by one and some other exercises. Note for later, that didn’t really work.
– To the hill we all use entirely too much, but it’s a great hill, so why stop?
– Partner carries, wheelbarrows, running, bear crawling, all kinds of dumb stuff while we also ran around the back end through the neighborhood streets.
– One fake 10-count was involved
– Back to the parking lot for a fake Dora and then it was over…

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

TClap |