Deck of Death – Uno at PoopDeck

A cold chilly wind was blowing over the marina this morning as 6 HIMs joined the Poopdeck to take a little break and play some cards since all the P200 runners are resting in preparation for the big day.

After a regular dislaimer – adding that we would be staying close to CoT so phones did not need to be brought along in case of emergency – did a mosey around the lot with high knees, toy soldier, toe walk and heel walk.

Circle of Pain
21s (QIC calls out in cadence and then goes silent, all PAX must stop after 21 reps or suffer a penalty exercise)
Mountain Climbers

Lined up on a parking lot line for an Deck of death with Uno cards
Yellow – Mike Tyson Merkins
Red – Bearpee (burpee reps with a 20yard bear crawl)
Blue – Bobby Hurley with Knee tuck
Green – Monkey Humper reps with 20 yard duck walk
Skip – 10 count
Draw 2 – 2 Absolutions (8 count combo in plank of frog tucks, mactarjai and plank jack
Draw 4 – 4 Captain Thor (big boy with 4 single count american hammer)

49 Mike Tysons
18 Burpees 60 yard bear crawl
32 Bobby Hurley knee tucks
57 Monkey humpers 140 yard duck walk
40 count rest
24 absolutions
8 Capt Thor

Men, abiding as defined by Webster is to act in accordance with a rule, decision or recommendation, but Jesus came to this world to heighten and deepen our understanding of what is right and to bring matters into the heart as inward thoughts and feelings and not just outward actions. Abiding in Jesus is obeying and acting in accordance with others rules, decisions and recommendations and adding on a layer of selflessness, respect, and humility. If asked to go one mile, go two. If asked for your shirt, give your coat also. This was the word left with the PAX this morning

Indian Run around the parking lot, front PAX drops for 5 merkins then catches up to the line to yell DROP to the new line leader, everyone dropped twice

Lunge walk ALL THE WAY from the little restaurant back to CoT, you LKW PAX must be hurting just reading that now.

2 minutes of flutter, hello dolly and protractor to call it a day

Wild Thing’s kid – prayers that the attitude is a passing moment and not a prolonged phase of life
Homebrew’s M – new baby, less sleep, we all understand and are supporting you
IcedT’s son – is moving to a nval base in FL to be closer to his son’s wife
Respectable Olaf’s family – they just moved here a few weeks ago and are going through those normal struggles
Picasso – prayers to let fleeting matters go away and only dwell on what matters
QBert – wife is putting in more daytime hours at the hospital to prepare for the change to night shift and stressing about being ready for the higher level of responsibility and autonomy


TClap |

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