It may have been wet, but at least it wasn’t cold!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 02/16/2016
  • Pax: CrabCakes, CSPAN, Hasslehoff, Pusher, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

As I sat in my truck at 5:10, I looked over at Pusher (still in his vehicle), and said “looks like your gonna be my partner today.”  Luckily CSPAN, Hasslehoff, and Crabcakes (a few minute late) rolled in as well avoiding the fartsack and the twittermachine scare that today was leg day.  That and nothing else.  Was mentioned that I probably shouldn’t go into marketing.  Disclaimer given (where is legal counsel Chaser when you need him) and off we went


Mosey run around the front of both schools with butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, and karaoke underneath the middle school breezeway.  Circle up for a warmup of 20 x SSH, 20 IW, 10 Windmills, 15 Hillbilly walkers.

Main Event – partner up.  Partner A runs the breezeway, Partner B does the exercise as follows:

100 Bombjacks

200 Peter Pointers

300 Step ups on benches (crowd pleaser)

400 Squats

500 calf rasies

Mosey back to COT

Announcements  – YETI this saturday, 2-27 is donut run (rock hill) and chili cookoff (FMHS 11-2)

Prayers – Dawg pound, injured PAx, Families, Marriages


  1.  M asked this morning if I was going to go to the F3 workout or just workout in mancave.  Told her I had to Q.  Said sucks to be you.  In all honesty, I’m glad I had to go out in the “rain” and workout.  Glad others cared to join me.  I know sometimes its easier to stay in bed or workout in the cave when the weather isn’t ideal, but then I miss out on the important fellowship that makes F3 what it is.
  2. Speaking of poor weather.  I’ve said this before.  Yes it’s cold out.  Yes it rains.  Post anyways.  It will make you stronger and help you build bonds with you F3 brothers.  And if we aren’t building bonds with our brothers, then why are we even coming out. #morethanjustaworkout
  3. Another Q without burpees.  I must be getting soft.  Of course don’t tell that to the guys that posted today and won’t be able to walk later,
  4. Great work by all PAX this morning.  Great mumblechatter and just a slight bit of complaining on the step ups
  5. Thanks Maximus for the opportunity to lead this morning.
  6. If anyone is still reading this, I have the Q at Block Party next Tuesday.  You’ve been warned.


TClap |

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