Holy crap it was muggy… Colosseum June 20, 2017

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: Longshanks, Router, Nomad, Bubble Boy, Sparkle, Goose, Snaphook, Sugar Bug, Jekyll, Half Shell, Dog Pound, Javert, Hasselhoff, Peabody, Mission Impossible, Ginsu, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Colosseum

Did they build this school in a hole or something? I felt like I was nearly swimming through this workout… my lungs felt sweaty by the end… It was gross and glorious.

The Pax were promised Gladiation, so I did my best to deliver. We needed something that would work our whole body and have a good amount of cardio, so here’s what it looked like…

The Thang:
A quick lap around the bus loop with some dynamic stretching (knees to chest, toy soldiers) and over the curb to the back parking lot to circle up for a quick warm up: Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nightclubs, Merkins, Squats… usual fare. Everyone looked a little sad when we hadn’t done a single SSH, so we threw in a few of those at the end.

Mosey over to the parking lot facing “Spidey’s Wall of Sadness” as I now refer to it…
Pax split into two groups, 1s run across the lot, climb over the wall, tag the school and come back. 2s are doing LBCs while they wait. 2 rounds of that, then repeat for 2 more rounds with flutters. I love/hate that wall, so we’ll come back to it later.

Mosey back around the back of the school and stop at a light pole way back behind the short track and playground. Group 1 runs for 2 light poles (unless you’re Mission Impossible – then you can’t seem to make up your mind) and back while Group 2 does an exercise with INTENSITY. It’s an AMRAP sort of situation, but Pax were challenged to get at least 20 reps in of each exercise before the other group got back. Then you flapjack and move to the next exercise.
The exercises were:
– Squats
– Mountain Climbers
– “T” Merkins
– Squat Jumps
– Shoulder Taps
– Lunges
– Merkins
– Side Straddle Hops
After we were done, I asked everyone who hated what we had just done to raise their hand. A few hands raised. Then I asked who loved it? A few different hands were raised, but a significant number of the same hands were raised. So many of us hated & loved it all at once.

Then we moseyed back to the wall and brought it close for a “Cake Boss” moment. Life sometimes is like that workout, we both love and hate some of the tough things that we are asked to do, but whether we loved or hated it isn’t as important as whether or not we DID the hard things. Sometimes, it’s incumbent upon us to simply DO what is before us. We don’t have to love it, it doesn’t have to be easy, we just have to DO it.

Then it was back over the wall, tag the school, run back to start and do 5 burpees OYO. Then we ran it back to COT.

That was as sweaty a workout as I have had in a long, long time. My bones were sweating…
As we ran to the light poles at the back of the school, I intended only to run to one light pole initially. But as we headed to the first light pole, Mission Impossible took off like a rocket, and mostly to mess with him, but partly because the first pole felt too close, I waited until he turned around to head back before calling an audible to run to the second light pole. I like keeping some guys on their toes… Then I did it two more times… Silly Rabbit…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

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