Armory – More Chalk and Freedom Talk

6 fine men for a Monday at Armory for some kettlebells.

Brought back the chalk from last week and after a warmup, headed to the chalk, but stopped in the runoff control ditch for a little misery with a hill + burpees.

Mall-walked (some need improvement in this area) to the chalk and found in various spaces: Skull Crushers+Flutter kicks, Overhead Presses, Around the Worlds, KB Swings, Curls, LBC’s and SSHops+Clean Presses.

Did a few rounds of OYO in each slot, then tightened a circle for the Tesh invented “Pass The Dutchie” exercise. Always a hit, especially when we get to pass along Tesh’s 40-pounder. Only Tesh and I actually knew the song. Surely you’ve heard it before:

Musical Youth Pass the Dutchie – YouTube

We mall-walked back to COT, but had a minute or two for some Mary.

We spent a few minutes with Smithers on his F-I-L, and prayers for him, for comfort for him and peace for the family. Change Order’s daughter goes to her first away camp soon, and we talked about how freedom has allowed us advantages in life, but also the freedom to act alike a butt-hole as well, and I’m speaking to myself. We can all use some improvement in that area.

Always a pleasure and great to see guys come out in the gloom on a Monday!





TClap |

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