Buncho’ sprints, foul shots and a Burpee Mile

Thanks for the reminder from Fishsticks on my Q.  Don’t Q as often as I could but I definitely need a reminder system in place.

Weinke ready to go, no sandbags, no cones, but arrived early and placed a basketball on the court behind the school and a flag in the front.  7 arrived really wanting to do a lot of Burpee Miles, or so l thought.

No FNGs but many PAX that I need to get to know better. Very quick disclaimer and we…

Jogged warmup lap around parking lot with buttkickers, high knees, side shuffles and crossovers (find a line and cross that line as you jog…left, right, left, etc.)

Circled up for: SSH, squats, merkins, ‘active’ supermans, flutter, merkins, windmills and the always funny to watch goof balls.

HIt the wall for 3 rotations of people chair/an exercise/sprint to stop sign in front of school and back. Second rotation of p.c. was one leg holds. The exercises were calf raises 3 x 10, squat jumps 10, 1 leg squats.

Back to playground with 5 stations, partnered up and rotated….  Station 1: Bench Dips, 2: Bench Derkins, 3: ground pullups using playground apparatus, 4: “L” hang for approx. 30 seconds then ran to 5: each PAX had to hit a foul shot, max 3 shots.

*** The plan unbeknownst, and not told, to PAX was to count the missed free throws and end the workout with that number of burpees. Unfortunately, we later ran out of time. ***

Approx. 10 minutes of a Burpee Mile on front ‘track’. Burpees Miles are intervals of:  timed sprint/timed jog/burpees over a designated time.  IE. sprint 30-60 secs, jog 2-4 mins, burpees (whatever  time and # burpees is desired). Today’s improvisations were: approx. :15 sprint,  :45 sec jog but with alternating exercises: burpees, in place run lunges (Iron Mikes), bomb jacks, ranger merkins.

A little core at the end. Flutters, V Ups, partner crunches at 90, 45, 0 degrees.

Circled up and discussed monthly theme of leadership. There are always opportunities within F3 to lead or assist lead. Whether it be Q’ing, helping another PAX with an initiative or taking on your own project. Just do it and PAX will follow and help.  As a leader, look for those who are demonstrating their willingness to help and ask them to become a leader in whatever it is you are doing.

Prayers for F3 Pale Rider from Augusta (per C-Span) and for hurricane victims. Donate to Colombia mission-turned Florida assistance PAX with water, diapers, etc. Senator Tressel is collecting underwear for Harvey victims: https://f3thefort.com/2017/09/04/393968/

Thanks all for posting and the opportunity to lead! And post those BB’s…apology shout out to Lake Wylie for a missed Quagmire BB!


TClap |

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