Whopper on Deck

Since I started posting at F3 over a year ago, I made it an unspoken rule that I never posted on thursdays. Back when I was always 2nd shift, I would post M-W-F-Sat, gym and run tuesdays or thursdays . Therefore the only thing that got me to the poop deck this week was Wild Thing’s 2nd attempt at getting me to volunteer for the Q. 20 degree morning with just 4 made it special.

Thang: Long loop behind bowlnbounce and abbreviated circle of pain to warm up at the parking lot by the boats. SSH, LSS, peter parker, nothing crazy

Main event was 4 exercises and lots of running. Phase 1- partner suicides out to 4 cones, guy behind did as many reps as possible in that period. Exercises were, in order: Merkins, squats, freddie mercurys, burpees. between the 4 of us it was determined what the highest amount of reps were for each exercise.

Phase 2- Together, ran to far light post and back to do the max reps together, total of 4 times. 53 Merkins, 44 squats,  68 Freddies, 15 burpees.

Phase 3- sucides together, 4 times to do same amount of reps of the aforementioned exercise.  started having to take pauses on the merkins to let us do all the reps haha. Time was running short by time to take the last sucide, I called for us to sprint to the light post instead on that one.

Followed by mosey back to COT, prayers for Wild Things son, Royale’s sister in law, and my continued search for better employment opportunities going into the new year.

I was happy to find that the Q was simple, brutal, and took the whole time without having to fill time hugging the wall.

TClap |

One thought on “Whopper on Deck

  1. Royale says:

    Awesome job. We worked hard in the cold. It didn’t take long for me to throw away my jacket! Glad you could lead us on a Thursday!

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