Everyone’s a winner at the Swamp

YHC got a text from the QIC for the Swamp on 07/19/2019 that he was on IR.  Coming off of IR myself I felt the need to answer the call.  11 HIM got moseying after a proper disclaimer (hola FNG from Lox).  We ran to Target – the other end of the AO because I didn’t incorporate running into the #winkie. Stopped by the Target balls and asked the PAX if they saw them.  Then ran right by them and said “good we’re not doing anything here” (save those for Monday, amirite Jedi?).  Nice little warmup COP starting with nice slow windmills. Next up, the Cha Ching Mercuries (similar to Freedie Mercuries but every 5 count speed up then slow down then speed up… to 30). Next up were the adult version of an LBC (hands and feet touch the ground for each count rather than staying up… to add some pain).  Finishing up were the Bonsai hammers (American hammers but with a little leg action down and up).  Mosey toward COT to some random parking lot.

The Thang, part 1:
2 columns, relay race. Bear crawl to curb, 5 irkins, crawl bear back. Teams of 5. The 4 that were staying back held Al Gore or Plank. Ran this through 3 times which was terrible.  So many bear crawls & crawl bears.  Tardy has been working on his form.  #Gazelle  Mosey toward COT to some other random parking lot.

The Thang, part 2:
Herein all PAX were warned of you vs you… meaning you’re guaranteed to win. Sort of like a millennial.  Run the following sets OYO 5 times through: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBCs.  At this point many PAX were near vomit status; a true sign of a good Q.  As I was about to inflict additional pain, Duck said he thought we’d be running.  Good idea, mosey to Home Depot parking lot for the final act.

The Thang, part 3:
10 burpees, 20 diamond merkins, 30 dips, 40 squats, and 50 jump lunges (double count = ouch).  Mosey to COT.

Welcome FNG Flojo and thanks Cha Ching for the substiQ opportunity.  In total there were 11 ruckers and 11 boot campers.  What a way to end the week…

TClap |

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