Snake Pit 10/21/20

Six men showed up for the Kettlebell workout at Snake Pit this morning.  I was a little unsure about whether I had enough planned to fill the time since it has been a while since I’ve lead a KB workout.



Imperial Walkers


Moroccan Night Clubs

Plank Stretches


Next, we moved to the main event.  Three partner workouts similar to a Dora, each a bit more difficult.

First:  Copperhead (The bite hurts, most likely you would survive)

100 KB Swings

150 Curls

200 LBCs

One partner ran to the second light post while the other started with the exercises above.  Flapjack until the reps are complete.

Second: Rattler (The bite hurts like hell, you may survive)

150 Overhead Presses

200 Calf Raises

200 Flutters

One partner lunge walked with bell 20 yards and back.  Flapjack until the reps are complete.

Third:  Cobra (Low probability of survival)

150 Squat Thrusters

200 Upright Rows

200 America Hammers

One partner did burpee broad jumps while the other started with the exercises above.  Flapjack until the reps are complete.

Most of the group got through the Upright Rows and started on the American Hammers.


Great job Everyone!

TClap |

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