Everything’s Gonna Be Alright

Happy St. Patrick’s Day..We had four lucky Pax at Laces In this morning.  After the disclaimer, we moseyed to the band practice lot for warm-ups (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, and plank stretches).

The question of the day..What are you worried about?  We each discussed the thing that worries them the most (War, Family, Work, More Family).  More on the topic later.  Next, we moseyed to the car drop off lane.  All Gore for further discussion.  Are the things you are worried about in or out of your control?  How does that change the perspective?  We discussed a bit further before we moved to the pull-up bars.

Pull up exercises:

  1. Hang as long as you can
  2. Standard Pull-up
  3. Reverse Grip Pull-up
  4. Hang, Knees to Chest
  5. Hang, Leg Raise
  6. Wide Grip Pull-up

Each round, perform as may reps as possible.  We ran a lap to shake out our arms for the next round.  Next, we ran to the back of the school.  Two rounds of toe taps and dips on the curb.  Headed back to COT for some Ab exercises (Flutters, LBCs,  Freddies, Superman).

We spend alot of time worried about things that are out of our control.  This stress leads to other bad habits.  Sometimes it helps to step back. breath, and put the worry in perspective.  One of my favorite songs to listen to when I am stressing is Bob Marley’s “Everything is Going to be Alright”.

Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: “Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”


Great job Everyone!

TClap |

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