What is this way?

WARMUP: started with the classic SSH, cherry pickers, merkins, low slow squats, finished with some hamstring and back stretching (which was amazing)
THE THANG: Pearls on a string theme where we ran all over “campus” to different waypoints to do the exercises below…adding a new exercise per stop…start with 10 merkins, next stop 10 merkins + 15 squats…and so on. Once we got to 30, we did 30 again and back down dropping the highest rep exercise at each stop.
– 10 merkins
– 15 squats
– 20 CDD
– 25 flutters
– 30 calf raises

Finished with a starfish / 4 corner. Paired up and went to each 4 corner coming back to the center for 3 burpees. Corners were: 10 wide arm, 10 bomb jacks, 10 jump squats, 10 American hammers.

MARY: circled up and each pax called an exercise.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter coming up in September!
COT: prayers for Caroline (Shady’s 2.1 teammate) surgery

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