Running EMOM

Warmup: (not really a thing today)

Had the PAX Line up behind me for a 14:00 minute running EMOM. We would move Indian-Run style  up to 160 but every minute on the minute we would stop and do :

1 burpee
4 HR Merkins.

We got a little over a mile and at the end we all had done 14 burpees 28 BBS and 56 HR Merkins.

We took a brief break to do some Windmills IC Then began Round 2  (the run back)

Same exercises and rep count as before but one twist. When we got over by the nice new parking lot by the Tega Cay Pediatric Dentistry we changed it from an Indian Run to an Indian Bear Crawl.

We did this for about 4-5 minutes and then switched back to the run.

We finished the 2nd round right around the sign for the Elementary school. Tally was 28 total burpees, 56 BBS, 112 HR Merkins with over 2 miles in running.

Staying in front of the sign by the elementary school with over 10 minutes to go we decided to:

14 LBCs IC
14 Flutters IC
Recovery Lap
14 Merkins IC
28 Low Slow Squats
Recovery Lap

4 Minute EMOM
7 Burpees each minute.

So for those wondering the “Stg. Major Workout in a pure form is :

1 Mile Run
28 Burpees
1 Mile Run
28 Burpees
56 BBS
1 Mile Run
28 Burpees
56 BBS
112 HR Merkins
400 m lap.

I modified todays workout due to the 45 minutes timeframe and because I wanted to try out the running EMOM. It was a crowd pleaser!

Thanks for the opportunity to Lead!

Until Next Time!

TClap |

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