Zima Miles

It was dark. It was dank. Visibility was low, but the pain was high. After giving an overly thorough disclaimer, collecting everyone’s social security number, and signing a waiver, we were off for a quick mosey around the park.

SS Hops
Tappy Taps
Moroccan Night Clubs
Polish Mating Dance (Goofball)

The Thang 1:
7’s on the walking path. Merkins on top of the hill (not Chip Hill) and Squats at the bottom of the hill (again not Chip Hill). Mode of transportation was running.

Mosey over to the parking lot.
Dying Cockroaches 🪳
Big Boy Sit-ups
American Hammers

Mosey over to the grass field for a Jack Webb. It was 1 lap around the field and 4 v-ups. We did a total of 10 laps and 220 v-ups. It was glorious.

Back to COT for stretching, announcements, prayers/praises. There was a meeting of the Bob’s at the Tega Cay Deli afterwards for some deep discussions over coffee.

JWow out.

TClap |

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