a long ways from varsity

a few PAX arrived early to get some extra credit before 0515 start. It was a chilly morning with icy spots around campus this morning.

Dam2DamnBar is tomorrow so this workout was designed to get PAX primed and ready to run fast times at the race.

dynamic – including high knees, toy soldiers, butt kickers, walking lunges

circled up for (IC) WMs, arm circles, OH claps

continued the dynamic warmup with karaoke variations on the way to the pullup bars.

3 rounds of Cindy (5pullups, 10merkins, 15 squats) to finish off the warmup

Mosey towards backside of Sugar Creek Elementary and get on FarmHouse Dr out towards the big abandoned skyscraper and then back.

every 1/4 mile stop and plank for 6. Once 6 was in perform IC exercise (mostly merkins but sometimes squats when too many cars passing by) and then perform a different stretch/broga type movement

total of about 2.5 miles of running

MARY: about 1.5 minutes worth of Low slow squats to get us to 0600.

PAX continue their acceleration and making good progress on weight loss goals

prayers for D2DB runners and volunteers this weekend

Bodywash- I remember running with you at Clydesdales before I knew what to think of F3. You were the first to schedule me for a Q and really helped me get comfortable in this group. STL got my VQ but Varsity was my first bootcamp Q – Appreciate you and the awesome job you have done managing the site.


TClap |

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