Licked by Squatch

WARMUP: plank exercises (merkins, Peter Parker, mountain climbers) mixed in some upward and downward dogs
Tallawah BUY-IN: 100 goblet squats
THE THANG: 7 stations of tabata- 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
1. wall balls 20#
2. slam ball and catch 15#
3. Merkins with one hand on bell/switch at 20”
4. KB plank rows over edge of stage
5. KB manmakers
6. KB swings
7. Jump rope (2 burpee penalty for missed jump)
3.5 rounds completed
MARY: plank in a circle and slam ball rolls CW and CCW; seated in a circle with feet up with backs to one another and pass slam ball CW/CCW; flutters, low plank Parkers, LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster 3/4, Jaeger 3/11

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