Friday Push

WARMUP: Into and Disclaimer. Started mosey to the back lot and it was ripe this morning! Did a warm up at the back of the parking lot near the apartments.
MNC, Hillbilly Walkers, Produce pickers, Windmills, Plank, down and up dog.
THE THANG: Mosey to the hill to begin Tge Pendulum Work. Run up to the neighborhood and do 1 rep Wide Arm Merkin. Then back down the hil and up to tge Fire Station for 1 rep Plank Jack. Back down the hill and repeat to complete 7 rounds. End back down by the foundation for 7 Burpees OYO.
Mosey yo the apartments to the middle for 15 Monkey Humpers and continued up to the round about. Bear Crawl the curb stopping in middle for 5 Diamond merkins then finish the crawl. More of a side to side hand shuffle.
Finally, Mosey back to COT for some Ab work.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jagger and Rooster coming up. Bethel Shelter and blood drive.
COT: Prayers for a neighbors son and praise for a family helping out. Praise and pray for travel mercies for BW and prayers for Grassy’s M.

TClap |

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