The Armory 13

A bakers dozen (13) pax came out to the Armory.

Started with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches.

Then into a tabata/HIIT routine: 45 seconds ON exercise, 15 seconds rest/transition. The sets were:
Set One:
KB Swings
Side bends
Tricep press
Goblet squats
Burpees (without coupon)

Set Two:
Shoulder press
Bent over rows
Mountain climbers (without coupon)

Set Three:
Bob & weave
Standing rows
Alternating revers lunges
America Hammer
Merkins (without coupon)

In between of each set we did a short run.
Rinse/repeat sets.

Finish with some mary: Flutters, freddies, box cutters, LBC


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