Letter to The Fort


“The Mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.” This mission is two interconnected parts, one part accelerating the other: 1) our workouts and 2) our community.  It has been proven across numerous communities just like Fort Mill that F3 makes a man stronger and then that man makes his community stronger. As a member of the pax, you personally have two responsibilities: 1) Emotionally Headlocking (EH) other men in our community to join us so they may stand up straight like you, and 2) to become a Virtuous Leader in this community.


Several months ago, Double D convened a group of pax to strategize about The Fort’s future—to discuss our next Position of Advantage. Two key positions emerged: 1) Accelerating our Leadership Development Process (LDP) and 2) being more visible in Fort Mill through our marketing efforts (MKT). You will see these two positions added to The Fort’s leadership team (SLT) and a lot of momentum created around these fronts.


The state of The Fort is strong, but not so strong that we can stop paying attention. We have a lot to be grateful for: a growing pax full of High Impact Men, an abundance of AO’s with a variety of options, our longstanding commitment to all three F’s, a strong SLT and much more. We also must continue to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men. We must continue invigorating male community leadership. The Fort’s SLT are all volunteers whose lives have been deeply enriched by F3 and are committed to serving the PAX and Fort Mill. Whenever you have ideas, questions, concerns, or just a funny joke to share, let us know.



TClap |

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