Bunny fu-fus

WARMUP: Jog lap around lot then some basic warm-ups. Grab bags and move to front of school.
THE THANG: Complete the following exercises. Every 2 mins run to cone at end of drop off line and back.
20 OH presses
50 hop overs
30 front rack squats
50 hop overs
40 push-ups
50 hop overs
30 back rack squats
50 hop overs
20 OH presses
Solo was calling the hop overs bunny fu-fus or something since they really started to add up.
After finishing the board we moved over to the amphitheater. Starting at the bottom, bear crawl to 1st landing dragging bag and do 15 jump over burpees. Crawl and drag to 2nd landing and do 12 jump over burpees. Crawl and drag to 3rd landing and do 9 jump over burpees. Bear hug sandbagand move back to start. Crawl and drag bag to 1st landing and do 15 over the shoulders. Crawl and drag to 2nd landing and do 12 over the shoulders. Time was up before we could make it to the last landing. Carry bags back to COT. Great work by everyone. Thanks for the opportunity to Q!

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