Ring of Jellystone Fire

WARMUP: MNC, Imp Squat Walkers, ChPickers, SSH, Mosey to Cinderblocks
THE THANG: (structure based on Beakers beatdown from 7/10/24- thank you bro!)

Each round, Home to base(s) & back
Home: Cind-urpees (AKA Man-Makers) R1-12 reps, R2-8 reps, R3-4 reps

OUT: A) M.Bunnies, B) OH carries, C) W. Lunges
HOME: Farmers carry

A) curls & OH triceps
R1- 10 each, R2-15 each, R3-20 each

B) flutter Presses (4ct)
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

C) clean & press
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

End of each round Plank until 6 is up before starting next round
Pax Completed 2 rounds before running out of time

MARY: Box Cutters, Hello Weazy, Freddy Mercury
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T&H, Road cleanup, others forgotten
COT: Prayers for those coping with Loss, family with failing health

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