When the Storms Come

WARMUP: a pre-workout chat with two FM cops sheltering from the storm
THE THANG: We roamed Kingsley in the windy rain thrown at us by the remnants of Hurricane Debby. Multiple laps around the development including a few treks through the stairways were interspersed with some pain under cover at Carolina Ale House. Much fellowship and sharpening throughout related to facing the storms of life. Old Bay and his M have faced storms from her recent boit with Thyroid cancer. My M and I have been battling potential health issues with a grandbaby poised to be born in Oct and potential surgery related to the digestive front for my M.

+ Leaning into a strong foundation is critical at the times WHEN the storms arrive. They’re coming at some point, so keep building that foundation
+ Keep the walls tight and avoid letting worry seep into cracks. Worry is worshipping the problem.
MARY: yes, she showed up without concern for the rain
COT: Grateful for F3 and for the fellowship of Old Bay on this challenging day!

TClap |

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