Laughing Gorilla

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Imp.SquatWalkers, Cherry Pickers, ONE Kracken Burpee (to drive home the Laughing Penalty for the day)

Appetizer: KB swing complex/pyramid. One–2–3–4–5-4-3–2-1.
Russian swing (to shoulder), American swinging (all the way overhead), and then toss to catch for a goblet squat, toss up again to catch to squat down to put KB down on ground.

Amuse Bouche: Partner Lat Raises (using Rope through Bell handle) – 15 IC. Ideal = 2… we did have a triangle w/ 3 that worked fine.

Main Course – Partner WORK (stations by weight). Partner Nur’s up hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back down….. PLANK UNTIL 6 is up before Rotating.
Round 1a (light): Windmills w/ 2 KB
1b (medium): 2KB Renegade Rows
1c (heavy): Gorilla :gorilla: Rows, (noises encouraged)
MOT for Partner (up hill to speedbump): Partner Nur’s UP hill, Crawl-bear/lunge-walk back DOWN

Round 2a (Light): 2KB Clean & press
2b (medium): Squat & 2x OH Thrust
2c (heavy): lt. Lawnmower pulls
MOT: Lunge Walk UP / Crab-walk DOWN

There was a Round 3 planned (along with Dessert)… but the clock precluded this sadly…. At least there were leftovers for another meal.

MARY: Flutter Presses, Am. Hammers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 9/28 among others

COT: Held… raised those Said & Unsaid

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