Pecks and Quads Cornucopia

WARMUP: mosey to lower parking lot. Tout soldiers, buttkickers and caraoke. Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Low slow squats and windmills
THE THANG: mosey to stadium parking lot and do wind sprints at 50%, 75% and 100%. Merkins and Curtsey Lunges in between each sprint. Repeat 3 times. Mosey to top parking lot again and go to the grassy area. Walk down, 10 merkins, NUR up the hill 10 curtsey lunges at the top. Do 5 sets. Mosey down the pathway to the bottom of the hill. At first light pole do 10 merkins, at second light pole 20 squats, at 3rd light pole 30 flutters. Repeat sequence all the way to the top. Mosey to COT for my hip exercises

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