- QIC: Bitcoin, Float Bridge
- When: 02/15/2025
- Pax: Bitcoin, Float Bridge, HarryCarry, JCruise, Ruby Slippers
- Posted In: the yard
Five brave men weathered the cold Saturday morning and made it to the Yard for a YHC led beat down, and arrived two minutes before the start time.
After a quick circle on the tracks, Floatbridge led us for some warm up exercises with,
Side straddle hops
Imperial Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Seal Jack’s
And more…
The Thang:
High knees then sprint
Lunge walk and sprint back
Toy Soldiers then sprint back
Butt Kickers and Sprint back
We headed to the benches for some,
Step ups – 25 each leg
Followed by different flavors of calf raises 20 each
Then back to the basketball courts for,
CDD & Squats
Merkins & Lunges
Mountain Climbers & Bomb Jacks
PAX choice round Robin
TClap |