WARMUP: Mosey to the bottom of the hill past the ROTC building for some plank-position exercises. Mosey to the pull-up bars.
6 Pull-Ups & 6 Burpees
Repeat for 3 total rounds
Make our way to the track. We are here to remember US Army Staff Sergeant Edward Loredo.
6 Rounds
24 Squats
24 Merkins
24 Walking Lunges (12ea leg)
Run 400m

When all finished, line up on the goal line.
Bear crawl 100yds to the other goal line for 30 American Hammers (15 – 4ct)
Crawl bear back to the starting goal line.

MARY: Included throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 State of the Nation July 16
Community 5k, various Q announcements, read the newsletter
COT: 5th Core Principle

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