It’s a moderate without Bs

Started at exactly 6:30 AM with a professional disclaimer stating that YHC is not a professional.

We moseyed around the lot and warmed up with,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey to the benches for,
50 step-ups (25 each leg)
25 25 calf raises

40 step-ups (20 each leg)
20 calf raises

Mosey to the running tracks for some partners work.

100 Merkins
150 CDDs
200 Big Boys
300 LBCs

Mosey to the shovel flag for some Mary, PAX choice as we went in circle one by one until time ran out.
There were,

Toe touches
Freddy Mercury
Box Cutters
and more


Burpees and Bear Crawls

TClap |

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