No Shower Curtain, No Problem


SSH x 25


Mosey around lot mixing in Low Slow Squat, Merkin and Flutter

Mosey to benches near hill and complete 2 rounds of step ups, dips, derkins.

Grab a coupon from nearby rock storage facility.
Move towards hill.

10 curls at top, shuffle to bottom, 10 burpees at bottom, shuffle to top, 10 OH Press at top. Shuffle back to bottom, Lunge Indian Walk back up the hill.

Carry coupons back to storage.

Wall Squat count to 10 waterfall
Balls to wall count to 10 waterfall
Mosey to Pullup Bars

Farmers Only lead
2 rounds of:

Max pull ups
Duck walk to corner 1 – Diamond Merkins
Lunge Walk to corner 2 – Big Boy Situps

Mosey back to hill. Run down and Cubbie led exercise at bottom. Run to top and Escargot led exercise at top.

Mosey back to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger 7/27, Stuff the Bus
COT: Went around and shared Prayers/Praises

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