Old School Weinke in a Sandwich baggie

WARMUP: Standard Old School
SSH X 25, IW X 10, Squat X 10, Merks X 10, MTN Climbers X 10, Moroccan NC X 10, HB Walker X 10, Peter Parker X 10, Plank JACK X 10, SSH X 25
THE THANG: Mosey to Indian restaurant lot, circle up for Duck Duck Goose Mary – Mode of transportation for the Goose is Bear Crawl, Mary consisted of LBC, Flutter, Freddy, AH, HD, Rosalitta.
Mosey to Lowes – count off 1’s and 2’s. 1 Mode of transportation first round Lunges, 2nd Burpee Broad Jump, last round reverse Lunges. Other group choose Al Gore or Plank hold.
Mosey to other side of Lowes – Traditional Jack Webb.
COT to stretch
COT: Prayers for peace, in the world and for families saying goodbye to loved ones, prayers for time spent with family, prayers for good decisions for families,

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