Stroll’n through the Fort

  • QIC: Red Banjo
  • When: 04/28/15
  • Pax: 1-Niner, 50-Cal, Acme, Audit, Chaser, Crab Cakes, CSPAN, Duggar, Full Count, General, Geppetto, Gunny, Longshanks, MacGyver, Man-O-War, Opie, Red Banjo, Repeat, Sharknado, Wheels
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

Decent size crowd showed up to start their week off on the right foot this morning. Given the Strawberry Festival’s 100+ portable lighting systems – we took the group off campus and through the lovely town of Fort Mill.

The Thang:

Mosey to Synergetics parking lot (Warm Up)
SSH 50x
Imperial Walkers 15x
Wind Mills 10x
Squats 20x
Merkins 10x
LBC 10x
High Slow Flutter 10x
-Line up on far side of 35 yard parking lot-
Walking Lunges out
Backward lunges in
Broad jumps out
Crab walk in
Burpee Broad Jump out
Spiderman pushups in
walk out

Mosey to brick wall
Step ups 10x each leg – derkin plank
Dips 3 sets of 10x

Mosey to stairs at end of Main Street
Partner wheel barrel up – switch

Mosey to playground
Wall Jumps 3 sets of 10x – derkin plank

Mosey back to COT
Stopping 1/4 SSH
Stopping 1/2 Pushups
Stopping 3/4 Squats


I was pretty surprised to see the turnout this morning – 20 PAX’s is a solid number for a Tuesday workout. It was also nice to see many of the PAX’s were people I have never meet or seen before – growth is good!!! The mumbling was pretty faint today, but I did hear a couple comments around making sure I remembered it was only a 45 min workout today – got em back right in time…..

TClap |

We just beat the (t)rain…

  • QIC: Chaser
  • When: 04/14/15
  • Pax: CSPAN, MP, Sharknado, Gepetto, Repeat, Magnum, Dugger, MacGyver, Red Banjo, Twister, Full Count, Airborne, Pebbles, Opie, and Ringer
  • Posted In: Block Party

16 Pax braved what was supposed to be a rainy morning.  Many still sore from this weekend’s activities, including the USMC Mud Run and the Spartan races, but all embracing the gloom and ready to get after it.  After a weekend full of OCR festivities, YHC still had a little of that evil coursing through his veins and so off we went…

Mosey to the sign at WEP for some warm ups: 20 IW, 30 SSH, 10 WM, 20 Low Slow Squats, 10 Merkins.

The Thang

  •  Mosey around the park to the drill bit on top of the hill and then down.
    1. Up the hill – 10 burpees
    2. Down the hill – 10 burpees
    3. Up the hill – 5 burpees
    4. Down the hill – 5 burpees
    5. Plank series until we get our six.


  • Mosey to the parking lot
    1. 20 squats
    2. 20 merkins
  • Mosey to the sitting area by the Anne Springs(?) building
    1. 10 step-ups each leg on the wall
    2. 10 dips on the wall
    3. 10 incline merkins
    4. 10 decline merkins
  • Mosey to the wall across from Veteran’s park
    1. 10 up and over the wall (or 5 if you tackled the tall wall – 6-7 ft?)


  • Mosey around the corner, up the stairs, down the stairs, up the Main St. hill, around the building and back to the new restaurant…where we have lost our wall.  OMAHA!


  • Mosey down to the tracks.
    1. Plank on the railroad tracks and then 15 merkins…there was a lot of mumble chatter here as if the train would some how sneak up on us and we’d be mowed down mid-merkin.  However, all got through it.


  • Mosey back to the wall across from Veteran’s park.
    1. Wall sit (for YHC’s internal 50 count)
    2. Balls to the Wall with 10 vertical push ups
    3. Wall sit (another internal 50 count)
  • Mosey back to the playground
    1. 10 pull ups
    2. 15 dips
    3. 15 incline merkins
    4. 10 pull ups
    5. 15 dips
    6. 15 incline merkins
    7. 15 hanging knees to chest
    8. 25 LBCs
    9. 25 Freddy Mercury
    10. 20 CBLs
  • At some point during the ab series, we heard the train rolling through…all Pax declined the call to quickly head back down to the tracks for more merkins…upon reflection, probably the right choice.  Although with this group, I think we might be a pick ’em against the train.
  • Mosey back for COT by way of taking the big hill across from the playground and down that back slope.

Great showing by all involved and we managed to beat the rain and the train.  Announcements were made (check the newsletter) and prayers and praise were lifted up.  YHC took us out with the good word and much thanks for the ability to get out in the gloom with such a great group of men.  #ISI  #HIM

TClap |

3/31/2015 PT Test @ WEP – No catchy title

YHC had a plan, the best plan…. Clip Board Q! However, best laid plans…. Thanks to CornHole’s “sore” hip flexors he stole the clip board and forced YHC to partake in the PT Test. Damn.

18 PAX showed up to see how far they had come, 17 actually did something. See CornHole’s input above.

1 mile, 1 minute of Push ups, Sit Ups and Pull Ups. Below is the chart, sorted by fastest run for the most recent test, to show everyone’s progess. T-Claps to Pebbles as he is the ONLY PAX that is 4 for 4! Also showing marked improvement each time! Way to go Pebbles!

  3/31/2015 Jan-15 Oct-14 Aug-14
NAME 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups
LongShanks 6:14 47 51 31 6:25 41 46 21                
FunHouse 6:16 37 45 7                 6:04 45 46 6
Senator Tressel 6:20 53 40 20 6:18 47 37 20 6:21 49 31 19        
Pebbles 6:25 49 42 33 6:49 42 32 27 6:35 31 60 31 6:52 25 40 20
Audit 6:31 52 46 28         6:11 47 48 30 6:11 50 43 22
MinuteMan 6:48 60 39 8                        
MP 6:54 41 42 10                        
Chaser 6:58 40 44 16                        
CSPAN 7:00 45 45 8         6:56 37 32 14 6:47 40 42 7
Decible 7:23 62 49 27                 6:48 45 43 25
Wheelz 7:30 52 35 0                        
Magnum 8:00 32 43 0                        
Twister 8:21 40 35 10         8:08 39 30 0        
Greenwave 8:25 48 38 10         8:15 37 38 14 8:15 45 32 12
CrabCakes 8:31 36 39 0                 8:49 20 31 0
ACME 8:51 30 50 0                        
Trucker 9:32 58 39 29 9:35 53 39 22         8:57 50 60 19
RedBanjo                         5:31 57 56 33
McGuyver         5:55 54 44 19         5:55 45 54 9
1-Niner                         6:06 44 46 21
WWL                         6:17 40 29 26
DoubleD         6:48 60 26 16         6:20 48 28 22
AquaMan         7:30 61 50 10 6:47 63 49 26 6:34 55 41 11
Package                         6:38 41 32 20
Jekyll                 6:21 50 47 10 6:42 55 39 16
Deacon                 6:40 62 56 36 6:43 55 48 19
PeteRyan?                         7:04 35 36 4
AirBorne                 7:20 54 48 17 7:20 49 50 15
BountyHunter         7:49 65 34 24         7:48 64 37 15
Java                 7:40 36 44 6 7:56 31 30 3
CableGuy         8:00 59 50 13 7:19 58 48 12 7:58 55 48 12
Nirvana                         9:30 22 22 2
CakeBoss                 9:38 60 43 10 9:30 60 39 3
BirdCage         9:36 28 30 0 9:29 16 25 6 10:30 12 26 1
CrissCross                         DNF 15 32 13
Maximus                 6:24 52 41 25        
One-Niner                 6:11 56 51 25        
Backdraft                 6:18 58 52 25        
Burgundy         6:02 64 60 23                
Beacon                 9:38 43 26 7        
Aztec                 9:58 40 45 10        
Lugnut         8:45 55 35 12 6:35 46 37 11        
Tatanka                 8:00 42 42 10        
CornHole         8:05 45 39 0 8:12 30 40 9        
Corn Cob                 7:10 55 35 15        
Boeheim         7:22 40 34 17 8:16 40 30 11        
Bolt                 6:05 55 52 14        
Pusher                 7:15 42 35 22        
Opie                 7:43 32 43 25        
AnchorMan                 9:50 18 25 16        
Sharknado                 6:34 42 42 27        
PhotoBomb                 6:15 55 49 11        
PK6                 6:47 50 37 17        
Gearz         6:58 38 40 20                
CarBomb         8:23 54 52 16                
Spitz         10:28 30 29 4                


TClap |

Just say “YES” to a runner’s #BLOCKPARTYF3

  • When: 03/24/15
  • Pax: 1-Niner, Acme, Bird Cage, Chaser, Full Count, Gas House, Heisman, MacGyver, Magnum, MP, Pebbles, Red Banjo, Tatanka, & Twister
  • Posted In: Block Party

Disclaimer and welcome to #BlockPartyF3 and no this will not be a 5K week.

This was supposed to be Audit and my Q, Audit is busy with work… hence the name “Audit” and keep him in your prayers as he “enjoys” a busy season.

Since I am on Q = we started running

We start running and when we get about 1/8 mile away and I notice a (kid?) walking through the woods…come to find out 1-Niner is more hurt than reported, and so we waited for him, and we slow moseyed to the church parking lot


SSH, IW, Squats, Windmills, couple of others to warmup…

We began a sequence of burpee ladders covering about the size of 2 basketball courts (think 5..4..3..2..1)

All running forwards ladder with 5 burpees and counting down from 5

Bear crawl down / Crab Walk back

All running backwards ladder with 5 burpees and counting down from 5

All running starting backwards and transitioning to forwards ladder with 5 burpees and counting down from 5

In honor of Audit = burpee broad jump down across lot

We did a few sprint/jogs to stay loose and recover

Transitions to stair climb = up/down for 5 rotations (Acme loves these)

As an intermission we had a discussion about the decision to do F3 each morning. We motivate each other and hold each other accountable. #HIM #ISI #IATA #REDPILL = Here is a link to the post I mentioned: Check out’The Sedentary Life Vs. The DRP.’:

More running back to COT

AB Lab

LBC / Flutter / Rosie / Dolly / couple others / Pebbles killed us with WW2 situps / Heisman needs a new name for his exercise…

We almost got 2 miles in this week

#respect to Full Count, Magnum, and Twister who “pushed” the younger crowd this morning

MacGyver & Bird Cage are avoiding any of my future Qs until I get some new material


Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a post fellowship


Always an honor to Q, here is everything in my notes:

  • Gladiator Games this weekend in Indian Land
  • 4/18/15 & 4/25/15 Gastonia #Clowncar
  • 5/2/15 1 year Anniversary of rock hill with Dredd & OBT
  • 5/25/15 Memorial Day Murph at NAFO at 0640 read pre-blast this week
  • If you haven’t Q’d , step up, it is what makes F3 work
  • #HIM = High Impact Man
  • #NoFatPants = Once you make the physical change of F3, burn the ship and those fat pants as there is no going back. A man who can’t get his 1st F on track will never get his 2nd and 3rd Fs online
  • Read “Freed to Lead” here is the link:
  • Always make the 1st F too hard, the 2nd and 3rd F will come only with deliberate leadership
  • Appreciate the enthusiasm, and get your twitter account going, and follow me @CSPANF3 & @F3TheFort

CSPAN – over & out

TClap |

Irish Tribute to “Back Draft”

  • When: 03/17/15
  • Pax: 1-Niner, Acme, Airborne, Bird Cage, Car Bomb, Chaser, Full Count, Gas House, Lil E, MacGyver, Magnum, Opie, Pebbles, Red Banjo, Sharknado, & Wheels
  • Posted In: Block Party


Disclaimer and welcome to “Gas House” an EH from “Full Count”

This was our friend Back Drafts Q slot, but since he is on IR, he wanted to tell everyone “hello” and is looking forward to getting back out with us, beware of his return, he has been planning his next Q for months #Redpill #MeanMeanStride

I started getting text last night about Jekyll (Golden Corral) & McGruff (Ballroom) were going strong and I needed to bring my A game, so I sometime revert to my “old game”…and since Pebbles requested no planks…

In tribute to Back Draft = we started running

We covered 3.23 miles according to Full Count’s watch

Stop#1 stop by Veterans Park for Pledge of Allegiance

More running

Stop #2

SSH, IW, Squats, Windmills, couple of others…

More running

Stop #3

Church Step Stair climb up/down for 4 rotations

Partner up and wheel barrow up steps

17 Burpees OYO

Move onto street light sequence

Bear Crawl / Crab Walk / Gator

High Knee / Butt Kickers / Jog

Backwards Bear / Backwards Lunge / Backwards Bear

More Running

Stop #4

People’s Chair mostly on single leg

More Running

Stop #5


More Running

Stop #6 Veterans Park AB Lab

LBC / Flutter / Rosie / Dolly / couple others

More Running = mostly sprinting on the way back

Stop #7

Banjo / 1-Niner/ Shark were fastest

Long Superman series


Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a post fellowship


Always an honor to Q, here is everything in my notes:

  • Airborne on Q at #Normandy
  • Gunny & I on Q at #Coop
  • PHOP needs more attendance on Wednesday – see Padre
  • #Clowcar to Hartsville this weekend
  • 4/18/15 & 4/25/15 Gastonia #Clowncar
  • 5/2/15 1 year Anniversary of rock hill with Dredd & OBT
  • If you haven’t Q’d , step up, it is what makes F3 work
  • #HIM = High Impact Man
  • #NoFatPants = Once you make the physical change of F3, burn the ship and those fat pants as there is no going back. A man who can’t get his 1st F on track will never get his 2nd and 3rd Fs online
  • Read “Freed to Lead” here is the link:
  • Always make the 1st F too hard, the 2nd and 3rd F will come only with deliberate leadership
  • Appreciate the enthusiasm, and get your twitter account going, and follow me @CSPANF3 & @F3TheFort

CSPAN – over & out

TClap |

Block Party – the cake was provided for this party!

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 3/3/15
  • Pax: Acme, Green Wave, FNG Grand Strand, Audit, Macquver, Sharnado, Opie, Wheelz, Red Banjo, Magnum, Airbourne, Crab Cakes, Twister, Bird Cage
  • Posted In: Block Party

No pleasantries…dived right into the pain….I mean PARTY!

1 Full Lap around WEP

Grab Coupons from the Woods


25 SSHs

20 IWs

10 CDDs

20 Squats

10 each arm 3 Legged Dogs (1 Arm Sprawls)


Count off in 2s

1s start at bottom of Stairway to Heaven

Carry Coupon (cinderblock) everywhere

  1. 10 Squats
  2. 2nd light pole – 1 burpee
  3. 4th light pole – 2 bombjacks
  4. 6th light pole – 3 merkins
  5. Downhill next to path – 10 donkeykicks

Rinse and repeat for total 3 rounds adding 1 rep for each round



1s- sprint up Stairway to Heaven (no coupon) at 6th light, 5 3 legged dogs each arm

2s- standing toe taps on the coupon until 1s get back

Flap Jack

15 Squats with Coupon

15 Tri Extentions with Coupon

15 Merkins on Coupon


Return Coupons to woods

20 LBCs

20 Low Flutters


14 PAX including 1 FNG, Grand Strand took the DRP on this fine Tuesday morn.

The Block Party was named a long time ago for having a grand Block beatdown. YHC tried to pay tribute to the AOs namesake and bring back the party!!


Great PAX and excellent work by all. Was fun and I’m honored and humbled as always to lead a group of men such as these!


TClap |

This ain’t no snow day

  • QIC: C-SPAN & Chaser
  • When: 02/24/15
  • Pax: Menthol, Birdcage, Repeat, Solid State, MacGyver, Old Bay, Twister, Airborne, Full Count, Wheelz, Java, and Audit
  • Posted In: Block Party

14 pax today brushed off the weather reports and posted for a tag-team tour of WEP.  Snow and sleet started to fall just as we were getting out of the car.  C-SPAN started off the festivities a few minutes early to make sure everyone got their money’s worth.

Warm-up – SSH, IW, Windmills, Squats, Plank set (left arm high, right arm high, drop hips, etc.) mixed with some Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, and some well-paced Mountain Climbers.

Mosey to the 2nd drill bit

The Thang Part 1: Drill Bit Routine

Run to each drill bit (5) and repeat the following:

  1. 7 SSH
  2. 7 Seal-jacks
  3. 7 Squats
  4. 7 Lunges
  5. 7 Monkey Humpers

Short ab-lab at the last drill bit until the 6 arrived.  The off to the trees along road.  Bear crawl or crab walk (Pax choice) to the first tree and then lunge to the sign.  Upon reaching the sign, C-Span spoke some words of wisdom about “sitting in the front row” and taking charge and getting out of your comfort zone. #HIM

Next, YHC took the reins and we moseyed off to the downtown parking lot for…

The Thang Part 2:

1) “A Clockwork Merkin” (start in push up position at 12 o’clock, 3 merkins and then “walk” yourself around to 3 o’clock, 3 merkins, on to 6 o’clock, 3 merkins, on to 9 o’clock, 3 merkins and then back to 12.) – 3 “hours” worth and then hold in elbow plank position.

2) Attack the grassy knoll to the upper parking lot.

3) “Jack Webb Burped” – line up across the parking lot and work the parking lines. 1 burpee/2 airpress, 2 burpees/4 airpress, 4/8, 8/16, 4/8, 2/4, 1/2. – LBCs until the 6 comes home.

4) Bear crawl/squat line work – 1 squat, bear crawl to second line, 2 squats, bear crawl to 4th line, 4 squats, repeat up to 8 and then work back down as before.

5) “Hot Hand Merkins” x 10 (push-up, touch right should with right hand, push up, touch left shoulder with left hand = 1)

6) Mosey to other parking lot and grab some curbs.  20 dips and then 5 more Hot Hand Merkins.

Mosey to COT….prematurely as it was brought to my attention by Twister.  Keeping in mind that I didn’t want these Pax to be cheated out of their hard-earned price of admission, we worked the abs a bit….30 Freddy Mercury, 30 LBCs, 15 CBLs (crowd pleaser).

Always wonderful and an honor to lead this group of men and a special chance to team up with C-SPAN to bring some pain.  Great work by all the PAX as the snow fell harder towards the end of the workout.

TClap |

40 Day Challenge for Children’s Attention Home

PAX of The Fort, Indianland and Rock Hill,

In 2014 we developed a great relationship with the Children’s Attention Home (CAH) of Rock Hill. Some of the events and things we partnered with them for included;

  • April Cereal Drive – 374 boxes
  • June Field day event
  • Lowes Home Improvement work days around the campus with a time of fellowship ending the week
  • Bike rides and playing games with the kids while visiting the home.

There are some big plans coming for 2015 that all of us will have an opportunity to serve and model what being a godly man looks like for the kids of CAH. 2/28 Launch of Workout at CAH!!!


Beginning Wednesday 2/18/15 we are starting a 40 day challenge that will include 3 dimensions. The 40 days will be the days of lent, ending on Easter Sunday 4/5/15. That’s only 6 weeks of serving and a little sacrifice.

This is not a ritual but a way to build a stronger relationship with God. When we get weak, regardless of this challenge, we should pray and relay on his strength to carry us. Jesus was the example of this during the passion. He knew what was coming but relied on God the Father to carry him through. This is a way to build spiritual muscles!!

Dimension #1 – Attend 20 workouts within the 40 days. That is 3.33 workouts per week. Very doable even for Red-eye.

Dimension #2 – Either give something up (Facebook, candy, snacks, beer, etc.) or take up something positive (reading, praying, poetry for your M, etc.)

Dimension #3 – We will be collecting items for Children’s Attention Home, just like cereal drive. No need to break the bank, but if all our PAX participates, we will make a difference for them this summer.

Here is what they requested:

  • Individual Wrapped Snacks like Lance crackers, Little Debbie’s, cookies, goldfish (Think Sam’s, Costco)
  • Gatorade – mix of flavors and think of kids with sizes in packs (small size, 10/12 pack)

Bring one of each or a couple of one item, whatever you can do!

Q;s will hold PAX accountable for #’s 1 & 2 in the COT. Be ready to be asked how many times you have posted and what you have given up or taken up.


Q’s will also collect items and pass them up to:

  • Cake Boss, Pusher, Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, Maximus, Pebbles, Peach

Idea men is to look beyond ourselves, challenge ourselves and get out of comfort zones while thinking about the sacrifice that has been made for you by our Sky Q.

Looking forward to how this challenge brings all of us together as a tighter PAX for our community.

Here are some of the committments men have made!! Good Job to all and others can send in theirs so we can hold each other accountable!!

  • Cake Boss – Donuts/Cake
  • Pusher – Desserts/Sweets
  • Hasselhoff – Alcohol
  • Crab Cakes – Soft Drinks/Be more present with kids
  • Cash – Alcohol
  • DD – Alcohol
  • Dark Helmet – Dessert after dinner
  • Zima – Chips/Read “Facing Your Giants” daily
  • Italian Job – Soda
  • Minuteman – No more speaking to gratify himself
  • Maximus – Kneel down to address/discipline kids
  • Rebel – Ice cream
  • Decibel – Read the Bible daily
  • Old Bay – Iced tea
  • Trucker – Snacks
  • Red Banjo – Ice Cream
  • Chaser – Restaurants/Fast Food
  • Dustin Jordan (F3 Name?) – Soft drinks
  • CSPAN – Mountain Dew
  • Change Order – Not eating after 7pm
TClap |

112 Cards o’ Pain

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 02/14/15
  • Pax: Mile-High, Longshanks, CSPAN, WWL, Catfish, Seacrest, Tesla, Magnum, Sugar Daddy, Santini, Bubba Gump, DD, Red Banjo
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

14 in the PAX this fine brisk Valentine’s Day morning to welcome Maximus back to the Q schedule. There was a lot of mumble chatter in the last 48hrs about who would have the best/worst Q this AM so, in line with the rule that you can give yourself a nickname, I’ll let the PAX decide. One of the hardest workouts I’ve been a part of was the 52 card pick-up style beatdown. It seems to lack creativity but it makes up for that with an overdose of pain. So why wouldn’t I bring that back?

The PAX took off for a 1/4mi jog to the parking lot which would be our AO for this nonsense. A quick explanation that went something like, each suit represents a different exercise and the number of the card represents the repetitions.

2=2 and Ace=14

Hearts = Butt Kickers (104 Total)
Spades = High Knees (104 Total)
Clubs = SSH single count (104 Total)
Diamonds = Jump Squats (104 Total)
2 Jokers & 2 other cards = 10 Freddie Mercury’s (40 Total)

3min rest to see if my frozen hands could shuffle. After a failed attempt, I simply rearranged about 20 cards and we moved on to round 2:

Hearts = Merkins (104 Total)
Spades = Burpees (104 Total)
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks (104 Total)
Diamonds = 3-Way Jumping Lunges (104 Total)
2 Jokers & 2 other cards = 10 Toe Touches (40 Total)

After round 1, Santini questioned which was worse, Jump Squats or Burpees. With a sample size of 104 each, I’ll just reply with…BOTH. You don’t cover great distances with this workout but it is still one of the hardest I’ve attempted. It is humbling and embarrassing all at the same time. Nevertheless, it is still dwarfed by the honor felt when standing in the middle of the PAX. It’s hard to take a breather or slow down when 13 other guys are looking at you to push them. To that I’ll ask, “Who’s Pushing Who?”

Announcements: Obstacle Course Race next Saturday (2/21) at Indian Land AO, BRR teams are forming now, Mud Run 4/11.

Prayer Request: Baby on the way any day now, Boeheim now recovering at home and rehab is to start next week, take care of yourself and keep an eye on your brother. Know when to push yourself and when to say when.


TClap |

And it burns, burns, burns…the ring of fire

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 01/27/15
  • Pax: Sir Topham Hat, Airborne, Full Count, Esso, Chaser, CSPAN, Red Banjo, Crab Cakes, Magnum, Acme, Anchorman, Sechrest, Rosetta, Green Wave
  • Posted In: Block Party

15 loyal, veteran pax entered the Tue AM gloom and fell into a burning ring of fire… they went down and the flames went higher.  But they all came out the other side to carry a purposeful spirit into their weekday vocation.

The Thang

Warm up run to WEP sign

Karaoke along 160 switching sides at each tree

Run back to sign switching back to front at each tree

COP — IWs, Windmills, SSHs, Mtn climbers,

Mosey to playground and split into three groups
Group 1: Pull-ups
Group 2: Sumo squats
Group 3: Swing crunches
(45 secs continuous for each exercise, then rotate)

Mosey to path for Ring of Fire (aka Drill bit)
Run full lap with stops at each 1/6 milepost for:
Bomb jack x10
Monkey humper x15
Calf raise x20

Plank sequence

Mosey back to playground for smaller Ring of Fire (Sprint Cup Series)
Carolina Dry Docks x10
Merkins x15 (vary on each cycle)
Dips x20
Run lap around playground
(3 full cycles)

Partner up and line up on park side of playground
Wheel barrow to path (switch as needed)
Run to parking lot at top of hill
Burpees x15 OYO
Run back to path
Wheel barrow back to playground (switch as needed)

Makhtar N’Diayes

Run home


Naked man moleskin

T-claps to the pax on a very workmanlike effort.  Little grumbling…just getting the job done on a frosty morning.

Great to have Red Banjo back in action!

Nice to see Crab Cakes posting with some regularity again…kinda like the prune juice diet.

Tried not to let the ruckers with a tomato in action during the same period outdo us.  Nice work for  getting on the ground and tackling the hill in the bottom of the 9th inning!

Best wishes for a great week chewing on how our purpose intersects with our career.  Hope to see everyone at Santini’s 3rd F session on Fri 0600 at Eternal.

TClap |