Pleasant Knoll – Recon Mission

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 01/27/15
  • Pax: Old Bay, Solid State, Free Bird, White Lightning, Jekell, Macgyver, Rooney, Senator Tressel
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral

8 men accepted the challenge or mission to accompany YHC to test drive a new AO, Pleasant Knoll Elementary School. Home of the Panthers, tucked deep in the woods, lays a plethora of potential pain at a beauty of an AO.

Cake Boss calls meeting to order at 0515 with mosey 3/4 around school


20 Wind MIlls, 20 SSH, 20 IW, 15 CDD, 20 Squats, 15 Merkins,

Move to play ground find a partner

2 rounds of 10 pull-ups/Swing Crunches

Back to Bball court

2 rounds of suicides/LBCs

Mosey to side of school find some wall

2 rounds of People’s Chair with leg kick (10count) / BTW

Mosey to back playground

2 Rounds of step ups/Freddy mercury’s

Mosey to wall

2 Rounds of wall sit/bear crawl to fence/sprint

To the HIll

4 rounds of Run Hill, down path, down steps / Rosalitas

2 rounds of box jumps up steps, run down path / Bear Crawl up hill run down path


8 rounds of ab exercises


Men worked hard. It was Double Shot Tuesday, so 2 rounds of everything at minimum.

They men thing PKES is a quality AO with lots of potential. Going to recon Publix and Gold Hill Middle next with the idea to get relief to WEP and Golden Corral (Multiply by Division).

Announcements: Friday speaker series t Eternal Church office behind Zaxby’s 0600-0700

Prayers to all injured and going through tough times that they focus on the power and grace of our Lord!

Honored and humbled to be part of such a great group of men! Thank you! CB


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Block Party Back Blast-F3 Poker

  • QIC: Pebbles
  • When: 01/20/2015
  • Pax: Pebbles,1-9er, CSPAN, MacGyver, Chaser, Twister, Backdraft, FNG-Full count, Greenwave, Airborne, ESSO, Old Bay
  • Posted In: Block Party, Laces In, Laces Out

Warm Up

Mosey to field

25 SSH

20 Squats

20 Imperial Walkers

15 Pushups

The Thang

F3 Poker

(YHC supplied a humble pack 52)

Each suit corresponded to a workout-



Clubs- Pushups


The Q drew the card (or cards) from the top of the deck and PAX completed the exercise (based on the suit) for reps based on the number of the card (face cards were 15 and Aces were 20)

Following the exercise(s), PAX ran to the top of the the hill. The first PAX to the top was awarded the Card(s). Best five card hand wins.  If you reach more than five total cards, discard the unwanted ones as you go.

Cards were drawn in sets of 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Go until the deck is done

I started to get some “nice Q”‘ from some of the newer guys at the 5:56 mark….their watch must have been fast….

Mosey to the pull up bars and break into groups of four-

100 aggregate (as a group) pull-ups, every time you come off the bar you owe 10 bomb jacks.



  • Backdraft gave an outstanding effort on his final day in the gloom for a while…he will be going under the knife at 3pm today and will be on the IR for 3 months.  We wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
  • Welcome FNG Full Count



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Soggy #BlockPartyF3 & Zima VQ

  • QIC: Audit, CSPAN, & Zima (VQ)
  • When: 12/30/14
  • Pax: Audit, Boeheim, Car Bomb, Chaser, CSPAN, Duck Hunt, Flipper, Java, Jeter, MacGyver, Tatanka, Twister, Zima & FNG Chowdah.
  • Posted In: Block Party

Beautiful morning of cold rain for a triple headed #BlockPartyF3 Q to close out 2014.


Disclaimer and discussion on how miserable it feels outside.

Long warmup and Plank-o-Rama

Zima on Q (VQ)

Jog to hill

Jacobs ladder= 7 burps on the top and 1 bomb jack on the bottom

20 SSH

15 Merkins

25 of the coldest and soggiest LBC that I have ever done…horrible, and Zima had evil laugh throughout. Pax also had plenty of mumblechatter.

Audit on Q

Drill bits around park OYO = 20 merkins, 20 squats, & 20 SSH

Jacobs ladder= 5 burps on the top and 1 bomb jack on the bottom

100 SSH (crowd pleaser)


Prayer & Praise, BOM, and a good discussion on the #StarfishF3 model.


Always an honor for Audit & I to be part of a VQ, here is everything in my notes:

  • Sign Up for Joe Davis Run
  • 2ndF with Beacon for “Let me run”
  • Baxter Trail Race – 5K & 15K + Ruck option
  • North Augusta Clown Car this weekend

Appreciate the enthusiasm, Read your newsletter.

CSPAN – over & out







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Feels good to be back

  • QIC: Audit
  • When: 12/09/14
  • Pax: Boeheim, Greenwave, CSPAN, Duck Hunt, Pusher, McGyver, Bird Cage, Audit
  • Posted In: Block Party

After the birth of our third child several weeks ago I have been posting on the Saturday 0700 workouts, but have been using the lack of sleep excuse to fartsack on the 0515 weekday workouts.  Well….. Its my turn to Q so no more excuses.

The Thang:

10 burpees OYO right out of the gate followed by 10 CSPAN Push-ups OYO (youtube link attached demonstrates…. and trust me,they are harder than they look)

Mosey to COP:

20XSSH, 20XIW, 10 burpees OYO, 20X squats, 10 CSPAN Push-ups OYO, 20XSSH

At this point I have Q’d the past Two Saturday’s, once at The Reservation and once at the Patriot so I explained to the PAX that I was running out of unique ideas and every time I run out of ideas I always fall back to HERO crossfit workouts.  Today we would do The Murph.  At this point we only had about 30 minutes left so I decided to do a 1/2 Murph with a twist.

1 lap around WEP, 50 pull ups, 100 CSPAN Push-ups, 200 squats, 1 lap around WEP.  We tackled this beast in 5 sets of 10,20,30.  Each person in would lead a ab exercise until our 6 finished up.

Next we went straight to 2 and 1/2 minutes of burpees.  The goal was to get to 25.  After the time was up we all pushed each other to do 5 more as a group.  We then had about 8 minutes left and we did a dealers choice ab lab with many excellent choices from the PAX.

I thought for a while of what to title this post and the title “Feels good to be back” sums it up.  Over the last few weeks I have forgotten how good it feels to get up and have a group of men to share stories with, share laughs with, joke with, and push me physically to my max.   Sitting at work today I sat thinking for a bit of how good I felt, I missed this feeling of getting in a good workout before work, I missed the social aspect to have a solid 45 minutes of fun before putting in a hard days work.  I missed the feeling of accomplishment on my ride into work.  This is what F3 is all about and I am glad to be back!  Thanks for he opportunity!

TClap |

Double Shot Tuesday with Block Party & Black Diamond spinning the Pain!

  • QIC: Maximus / Cake Boss
  • When: 12/02/14
  • Pax: Decibel, Senator Tressel, Chaser, CSPAN, Cake Boss, Anchorman, Opie, MacGuyver, Beacon, Ringer, Sharknado, Bluetooth (FNG), Deacon, Chicken Hawk, Duck Hunt, Bird Cage, Crab Cakes, Jeckyll, Twister, Green Wave, Fist Pump, Pusher, Maximus, (sorry we are missing one name....we still love ya!)
  • Posted In: Block Party

24 PAX came to WEP for a daily dose of downpainment. 9 brothers took on the hour long Black Diamond led by Maximus while 15 others met Cake Boss for an old school Block Party.

The Thangs:

Black Diamond:


9 men rallied at 0500 to plant the Black Diamond Shovel Flag and test themselves at the hands of Maximus.

Run to the 160 Parking lot (not sure the name of it):

4ct run in place x 20

10 Burpees OYO

2mins up/downs

Burpee Broad Jumps the length of the lot x 2

Sprint the lot with Bomb Jacks at the end (10, 8, 6, 6, 8)

Indian Gator Merkins: PAX doing LBC’s while last man does gator merkin to the front of the line.

Slow CDD x 10

Senators Plank: Mountain Climbers, Grave Diggers, Dips, Grave Diggers, Wide Arm Merkins x 2

Run to the Statue Hill:

Bear Crawl ½ way up then reverse bear crawl the rest of the way

Bunny Hop up the hill then (12) 3-Way Jumping Lunges at the top

Bear Crawl ½ way up then reverse bear crawl the rest of the way

3 Sprints up the hill with 3 burpees at the top each time

Run to the Playground:

Hanging Pull Ups (do not use momentum) x 10

Planked Dips (Q’s count) x 10

2mins each: Up/Downs, Chop Sticks, Burpees

Hanging Pull Ups (do not use momentum) x 6

Planked Dips (Q’s count) x 10

2mins each: Pepper Grinder, Bomb Jacks

Indian Run back to COT

12/02-Block Party

Cinder Blocks_thumb


Run to 160, SSH, IW, CCD, Run to Flags downtown


Plank Jacks, sumo squat, Seal Jacks,

Mosey to Wall

Wall sit

Bear crawl-10squats- sprint back x 2

Balls to wall

Bear crawl-sprint back x2

Monument Park

20 Dips x2

15 Derkins x2

15 dips x2

10 Donkey Kicks x2

Mosey to stairs across 160

P1-bear crawl up hill run down steps

P2-run up/down ramps

Flap jack

15 bomb jacks

Mosey to parking lot

Partner1 Carries block to curb & back

Partner2 wall sit

Flap jack X 2

Block Party Chase

P1-5merkins and chase P2

P2-run to COT with block


15 LBCs

15 Flutter kick

15 Rosalita

Super Man

Para shoot

21 Seal Team sit ups


12/12 – Christmas Party open to all PAX with signup genius out on website

12/13 – F3 Dads event for all ages at Alcatrez and Gold Hill YMCA

Great morning with great men. Thank to Maximus and all PAX. I am humbled and honored to be part of this thing we call F3.

Cake Boss

TClap |

The Planking Bears

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 11/25/14
  • Pax: Chicken Wing, DD, Trucker, MacGuyver, Red Banjo, Opie, Cake Boss, Sharknado, Lug Nut, Spitz, Twister, Bird Cage, Anchorman, Green Wave, Pusher, Tatanka, Chicken Hawk, Deacon, Zima, Old Bay, Longshanks, CSPAN, Chaser
  • Posted In: Block Party, The Fort

A large group of 24 PAX posted at this mornings Block Party to continue to push each other every way possible this Thanksgiving week. I tried to keep us out of the soggy grass but some things are just better in the grass…just ask Jack Webb. We didn’t do a lot of running but hopefully ya’ll felt the pain as much as I did.

The Thang:
Jog to the playground
SSH x 25
Burpees OYO x 5
Jump Squat OYO x 10
Slow Windmill x 12
SSH x 20

The Senator’s Plank w/o getting back up to your feet:
Mountain Climbers x 15
Grave Diggers right x 12
Ground Dips x 15
Grave Diggers left x 12
CDD x 10
Merkins x 5

Count ’em off in 2’s
1’s: Run around the playground then do 20 Dips
2’s: Pull-ups until the 1’s finish
Flap Jack then REPEAT

Mosey to the hill:
Line up for Bear Crawl 1/2 way up the hill and hold in position until the 6 arrives
Flip it around for a reverse Bear Crawl the rest of the way up to the top
Wait for the 6 then jog down then 25 LBCs

Modified Jacobs Ladder:
Burpees at the top (2, 6, 10)
3-Way Jumping Lunges at the bottom (4, 8)
Crab Walk back to the bottom of the hill

Circle Up:
50 LBCs in honor of Anchorman – that’s a full 50 of the 4ct variety (Your welcome for not doing 55)
Super Belly’s / Pepper Mill x 15
Jack Webb 1:4 for a total of 9:36

This crowd never disappoints and it’s always an honor to Q. The bear crawls and humidity even got the PAX sweating a little which hasn’t been seen in a few weeks. I was looking forward to this Q as it’ll be a good test for next Tuesday’s Black Diamond which will be at 5am at the same location.

Announcements: Thursday Double Down with the Ranch Convergence (0600) and Baxter Turkey Trot (0930). 12/2 Black Diamond (0500 WEP), 12/6 Camping with Twister, 12/12 Christmas Party (evite exists), F3 Dads 12/13 at Runde (0930), Chicken Hawk is leading an Angel Tree for CAH, CHECK THE WEEKLY EMAIL. Praises for an adoption getting finalized, traveling and injured PAX, Ferguson, MO the families, job searches/challenges, family in Springfield dealing with the loss of a child.

TClap |

The Fort – F3 Dads – Reindeer Games/Frostbite 5K

When: Saturday, December 13th

Where: Alcatraz, aka Runde Park in Tega Cay

Time: 9:30 – 10:30

Who: Open to all PAX and their 2.0’s, boy or girl.  There is not an age requirement.  The majority of kids will be between ages 4 and 14.  This is also a great opportunity to “headlock” men and introduce them to F3!

What: F3 Dads is an opportunity for fathers and their kids to spend time bonding with each other and other PAX while participating in an F3 (Lite) workout!

The Thang:

The Frostbite 5K, as well as the normal F3 Dads workout (Reindeer Games), is designed to create an opportunity for dads and their 2.0’s to challenge themselves physically and strengthen relationships.  This is an opportunity to experience a group of people pulling together to encourage and motivate each other. #F3Counts

Here’s the scoop…The men of F3 and their 2.0’s will meet at Alcatraz to warm-up. We will break into two groups after everyone gets their muscles moving and blood pumping.

  • The first group (Reindeer Games), younger 2.0’s who are not quite ready for a 5K, will stay at the park and continue a F3 Dads workout until 10:30.
  • The second group (Frostbite 5K), older 2.0’s will follow the paved trails and sidewalks through Tega Cay and finish at the gravel parking lot behind the Gold Hill YMCA. There will be at least 1 pain station along the way. The total mileage is about 3.25 miles.

Upon completion both groups will re-group and meet at gravel parking lot behind the Gold Hill YMCA, for Coffee, Hot Chocolate, and fellowship.


  • This is open to all PAX, kids or not, and is a great double-down opportunity.
  • We will need to plant some cars at the YMCA and carpool to Alcatraz/Runde.
  • We need a couple of volunteers to help provide: coffee, hot chocolate, water, and donuts.  Please IM White Lighting on Twitter @WeaThree if you able to assist.
  • The Reindeer Games workout for younger 2.0s will be similar to F3 workouts, but lighter and with kid-friendly exercises/activities. After warming up there will be more fun exercises/activities such as Relay Races, 2.0 Carries, etc.
  • Each F3 Dad workout will end in a COT and prayer.
  • In order to save time, think of a name for your 2.0 before the workout. They can participate in the name-o-rama or you can share it for them.
  • The adult PAX will name new FNGs (new members of the PAX) in the COT! 2.0s will enjoy that.



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Thom Tillis and Kay Hagan Agree on Block Party

  • QIC: Crab Cakes and Package
  • When: 11/04/14
  • Pax: Deacon, Old Bay, Back Draft, Chicken Wing, Twister (Respect), MacGyver, CSPAN, Santini, Red Banjo, Opie, Sharknado, Beast, Private Ryan, Gigawatt, Jeter, Boeheim, Birdcage, Fist Pump, Solid State, Green Wave, Tatanka, Java
  • Posted In: Block Party

23 potential voters converged on WEP to take a break from political ads and spread plenty of rumors at Block Party.

The Thang:

Crab Cakes leads the warm-up run to COP.

Thom Tillis cut Imperial Walkers by 50% while supporting Windmills for his fat cat crony billionaire friends.

IW x 15

Windmills x 15

Mountain Climbers x 15

Low Slow Squats x 15

Kay Hagan wasn’t even present when they voted on Mountain Climbers or Low Slow Squats.  She was off at a fund raiser for Peter Parker AND Parker Peter.

Peter Parkers x 15

Parker Peters x 15

Mosey to Front Field and Partner Up

Partner 1:  Bear Crawl to Sign and Back

Partner 2:  Burpees while you wait

Flap Jack and then do it one more time for good measure.  Crowd pleaser!

Did you know that Thom Tillis used his office to support Bear Crawls for personal gain?  Did you know that Kay Hagan voted lockstep with Burpees 97% of her time in Washington?

Sprints to the sign and back to the far tree and back.  One more time for good measure.  Another crowd pleaser!

Hand off to Package – to the Playground for some Neapolitan Ice Cream.  Wait, what?

Same partner.

Partner 1 sprint around playground.  Partner 2 – pull-ups.  Flap Jack.

Same thing x merkins; x squats; x LBC’s  (Chocolate?)

Same thing x dips; x bomb jacks; x Moroccan Nightclub; x Lunges  (Vanilla?)

Same thing x incline merkins; x Apollo Ono’s; x SSH; x squat thrusts  (Strawberry?)

While Thom Tillis and Kay Hagan both support ice cream they have very different views on Neapolitan Ice Cream.

6MOM x LBCs, Dolly’s, Protractor, LBCs


Strong work out there by all pax members including Jeter – while other teenagers sleep – he’s getting faster and stronger.  T-Claps!

The Fort Pax get the added benefit of not only the political ads to the point of nausea and madness but we DON’T EVEN GET TO VOTE IN THAT STATE!!!!!!  All Pax are encouraged to get out there and make informed decisions on who leads our local, state, and federal governments.

Congratulations go out to Audit and his M as they welcome their baby daughter into the world.

Red Banjo reminds us all that people are hurting out there and it may be a loved one or the person next to you.  Reach out.  Offer help.  Listen.  They could need it more than you can imagine.

Great group of men – it is always an honor to be out there with every one of you.  Aye!



TClap |

How about 10 more Carolina Dry Docks?

  • When: 10/28/14
  • Pax: Anchorman, Back Draft, Beast, Biehiem, Bird Cage, Crab Cakes, Duck Hunt, Fist-Pump, General, Green Wave, Jeter, MacGyver, Old Bay, Opie, Orange Crush, Pebbles, Pusher, Sharknado, Tatanka, Tater, and Twister.
  • Posted In: Block Party

YHC was missing his lunatic fringe #BlackDiamondF3, so he made every intention of wearing the PAX out, without too much running.

High quality rendition of disclaimer…#redpill…go at your own risk…I am not a road guard.

22 of The Forts finest enjoyed a high quality sprint on a beautiful SC morning on our way to Veterans Park in downtown Ft. Mill. MacGyver caught me past the Springs Building to remind me it is unfair for me to sprint off like that.

Back Draft led us in a group performance of The Pledge of Allegiance.

Nice and Slow cadence warmup: SSH, Imperial Walker, Squats, and onto a “wonderful” (insert sarcasm voice there) plank series to include: Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Carolina Dry Dock, and maybe a few others that I forgot. But the Dry Docks might have been repeato a few too many times.

Sprint to Local Dish parking lot:

Nice and slow cadence ABLAB with back routine + you guessed it…more Carolina Dry Docks.

Sprint to Local Dish wall:

Peoples chair with arm out variations, with squats and calf raises.

Sprint back to Veterans Park:

More planks, more Dry Docks, more ABLAB, and even more back work.

Sprint to Bank Lot:

Pebbles, Twister, and a few others in an effort to get away from Dry Docks tossed out a few “that’s what she said” so I converted to burpees. Seemed to quiet the group down, more Dry Docks.

Sprint back to COT:

D-Line of Crab Cakes, Bird Cage, & Anchorman seemed to love this workout.

More “bonus” Dry Docks and then Ball of Man.


Great fun this morning, and I always appreciate the opportunity to lead. Keep your mind clear. Sometimes the hardest Qs are the ones who keep it simple…#KISS…or do 200 Dry Docks in 45 minutes…made my own shoulders sore. Outstanding Mumble Chatter today…

Read your newsletter.

Over & Out



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Sideways lessons for going forward

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 10/21/14
  • Pax: Pusher, Green Wave, Twister, Opie, Sharknado, Stang, MacGyver, Spinal Tap (FNG), Crab Cakes, Anchorman, Audit, Magic Mike, Chicken Hawk, Orange Crush, Bird Cage
  • Posted In: Block Party

16 Pax posted to Block Party on a perfect, crisp fall morning.

The theme for the workout was SIDEWAYS.  Other than the opening warm-up run, other movements on feet between spots were to be done sideways (or backwards).  From a fitness standpoint, the aim was to concentrate on cross-training or countering the heavy dose of forward motion in most of our workouts.  But, the theme applies heavily to life, and is one that has had its hold on me in recent weeks.

Like most men, I live my life going forward, not looking back too often, and generally traveling at a high rate of speed.  That’s what I do.  I am a man, I take action, I want to make an impact.  That’s my addiction (at least one of them).

Invariably, life brings setbacks where something takes me backward.  Those times are not fun, but they can be fruitful – a time to consolidate knowledge and experience and move forward wiser.  Again, it’s about moving forward, even when I am going backward.

The truly challenging periods for me are when things go SIDEWAYS.  I am certainly not going forward, but at the same time, I am not failing, losing ground, dropping balls, creating a mess.  What is going on?  I may be working hard, but having no impact.  I may be dialing things down, but still don’t feel rested.  I am uncomfortable.  I am restless.  I am going SIDEWAYS.  For me, this is frequently the hardest recurring phase in life.  SIDEWAYS demands patience, humility, awareness, surrender.  These periods of wrestling with SIDEWAYS have a big impact on Faith.  Will it deepen my Faith or erode it?

The Thang

Warm up run to out parking lot to Springs lot

COP — Mtn climber x20, IW x20, Squat x20, Parker Peter x20

Gather at bottom of lot

Bear crawl to top of lot, karaoke across to far side, backward bear crawl to bottom, karaoke back to start

Sideways bear crawl to top of lot, Karaoke across to far side, sideways bear crawl to bottom, Karaoke back to start

Backwards run around perimeter of lot

COP — Sumo squat w/overhead clap x20, Peter Parker x20

Karaoke/backward run to Springs lot on Ardrey Street

Side lunges left across lot, backward lunge to bottom, side lunges right across lot, backward lunge back to start

Karaoke across street to playground and partner up

Partners complete aggregate of Pull ups x50 + Merkins x75

Partner complete aggregate of CDDs x50 + Dips x100

Mary — Rosalita x20, Gravedigger right x10, Hello dolly x20, Gravedigger left x10

Line up along playground boundary for sideways jumps x15, turn 180 degrees sideways jumps x15

Karaoke to path and karaoke back

Bomb jacks x15

Karaoke to path and karaoke back

Bear crawl to path

Karaoke home


Naked man moleskin

Welcome to FNG/Spinal Tap!  T-claps to Stang for the EH!

We had a Kotter siting today as well – Orange Crush made an appearance after an absence that spanned two winters and two summers.  Hope you stick around!

Only 5 days out from Q School training and I whiffed the opening intro/disclaimer…teacher needs to pay attention to his own lessons.

Thanks to the pax for enduring the SIDEWAYS experiment outside the usual fitness comfort zone.  Not sure that the “suck” lived up to Pusher’s expectations at launch, but it helped me work out some of my own issues with the sideways realm of life.  Probably will leave some soreness in unfamiliar spots as well.


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