Pre-Blast F3 The Fort 2019 Christmas Party

The Thang:

Meet up at Baxter Community Center- Mushroom Pool Clubhouse.

Warmup with some meetin’ and greetin’.

Mosey to the buffet line for catered fine foods (Improper Pig). Partner carry plate to table and fellowship.

3 hrs of Music- Dance if you want to. Mumble chatter welcome.


F3 is awesome and it makes us all better. We have such an awesome community of PAX and so many new men, that we need to come together and celebrate. 2nd ‘F’ is Fellowship. That means hanging together, enjoying conversation and having a good time. Make every effort to be part of events like this. Let your Ms meet the guys and their better halves.


Place: Mushroom Pool Clubhouse- 3387 Richards Crossing, Fort Mill, SC 29708
Date: Friday December 6th
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Cost: $30/person——->$60 per couple deadline to sign up Nov 30th 12pm
pay here:
Sign up here:
Includes: Facility, Tables/Chairs, Food, Music

Catering by: THE IMPROPER PIG (you know you want some of that)
Pulled Pork
Pulled Chicken
Baked Beans
Mac & Cheese
Asian and House slaw
Southern Hushpuppies
Your choice of Queen Bee or Eastern BBQ sauce
Sweet Tea

Please bring a dessert
BYOB – No bar this year…responsible for own drinks

Dessert Contest – Voted by ballot and awarded after dinner (cookies, cakes, pies)

Dress: Nice Casual or crushed velvet red suit

Instructions – RSVP is required, so please follow these steps:

Sign up using this form:
Pay ($60/couple or $30/person) via the PayPal page.

Questions? Contact Wegmans, Backdraft or Crab Cakes

TClap |

Golden Corral vs Fire Ant – 11/26/2019

  • QIC: Lutefisk, Router, and others
  • When: 11/26/2019
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

ATTENTION!!!!  Men of The Fort, prepare thyself for a site vs site beatdown Thanksgiving week!  Now that Fire Ant has moved back in with it’s daddy (Golden Corral), we must know who has the nastiest Q’s out there.  Special launch time 0500 at Golden Corral’s location.  SIX (that’s right, 6) Q’s at ten minutes a piece will battle it out to earn your votes for the nastiest site beatdown.  It’ll look something like this: as a group, first Q (maybe Boot Camp, maybe Ruck) lays the smack down for 10 mins. Next 10 mins the group will get the opposing site’s beatdown from another Q.  Flapjack until 0600.  Show up to find out who the other Q’s are and cast your votes.  The Fort must know… who has the beatdown kings?!?!?  #showtoknow

TClap |

(Pre-Blast) Metro Monday at Quagmire – Happy Birthday Mile High

Here’s what we’re going to do tomorrow AM, for those that see this and care at all:

.5-ish mile loop
Move fast – for real

6 stops/exercises around the loop – 20 reps of everything
Flux and Two Ferns try and do actual reps as best you can.

Goal is 6 loops

  1. Corner by McDonald’s = Ranger Merkins
  2. Brick pad 1 = Squats
  3. Corner by CVS = Flutter Kicks – 4count like a man, please
  4. PARTNER CARRY across in front of Old Navy to brick pad
    1. Curb Alpert – 4 count
  5. Next brick pad = Double Leg Lifts
  6. Corner by wine shop/zoe’s = Burpees

Doubtful there will be time left, but if there is, we’ll do some Mary…

The idea is to run the weakness out of ourselves… Yes, you read this correctly. Come warm. No warm up tomorrow.

TClap |

Pre-Blast: Let the Merging Begin

  • QIC: Shady, Magnum, Slash
  • When: 10/26/2019
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast

Background: Over the past few months, numbers have been down at Millstone (not a bad thing for IR based AO) and also The Yard (moderate based AO).  In an effort to keep these AOs up and running, a true moderate / IR / FNG friendly option will now be available at The Fort starting on October 26, 6:30-7:30am, for the foreseeable future. Therefore, Millstone and The Yard will be temporarily removed from the AO website to avoid confusion and will not host workouts at their previous locations.  Milkshake (think about it) will be the new AO located at WEP which combines the Yard moderate and Millstone IR.

Q Source at Fort Mill Family Restaurant (FMFR) will also be put on hold and moved to Panera in Kingsley.

Q’s will be scheduled on a weekly basis should PAX show up to The Fort expecting a moderate / IR workout.  If no PAX show for the moderate workout, the scheduled Q will join The Fort crowd for their regularly scheduled beat down.

No changes will be made for The Fort AO aside from now having additional options available.  If numbers increase for moderate / IR workouts at the combined location, decisions to potentially break apart from WEP will be discussed.

The goal is to assess the demand from the PAX, keep 1st and 2nd F levels high, keep options open, and enjoy Q-Source together if so inclined.

Who: All PAX (regular boot camp, Moderate, IR, FNG friendly)

What: The Yard and Millstone (now Milkshake), and The Fort will begin a merger of these AOs at WEP.  (FMFR Q Source will also merge with Panera Q Source.)

When: Starting on Saturday, October 26; 6:30-7:30 am

Where: The Fort / Walter Elisha Park (WEP)

Why: Numbers have fluctuated at Millstone and The Yard

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YoungLives is currently being established in York County by the Ms of some of our PAX and is having a kickoff diaper shower for teenage moms on October 24. We would like to collect diapers for the shower.

If the Lord leads you, please go to the YoungLives gift registry at:  Click Here

When you check out your cart, select Heather Barrow/Gift Registry, and the diapers you purchase will be shipped to Heather, who is collecting for the shower. If you have any questions, feel free to text or call Atticus (803)981-2467.

Note, there are some other items on the registry as well to stock the nursery where moms will drop off their babies while they hear about Christ’s love for them. Or, if you prefer to purchase diapers at store (size 3 is best), let Atticus know and he will get from you.

TClap |

The Nessie


As you are all no doubt aware Lake Wylie is officially becoming its own region on 10/26 and what better way to celebrate that launch than with our very own CSAUP!  This one has been a long time coming and we look forward to participation from all the surrounding regions to party with us, F3 style!

Sign up

Please sign up here!  It will help us make sure everyone has a team and we have enough snacks to go around.  Thanks!


  • Date: 10/26
  • Start time: 6AM
  • Starting location: Shipwrecked (Oakridge Elementary)
  • Ending location: Shipwrecked (Oakridge Elementary)
  • Mileage: Around 10 miles


Bring yourself and TWO other PAX with you, this will be a TEAM event and semi-competitive/competitive (we know how some of us are), but all in the spirit of FUN, at least our “completely stupid” interpretation of fun.  Each of you will also need to bring a cinderblock, but don’t sweat it if you don’t have one, we’ll have some extra on hand!


Like I mentioned before, this will be a TEAM event and teams of 3 will compete in a series of 4 challenges while they travel between several AO’s in our area.  Method of travel is by foot.  How quickly you move your feet is up to you and how competitive you are, but expect the event to be between 2-3 hours to complete.


BE SAFE!  We will be running on some roads, occasionally without a sidewalk so headlamps and reflective gear are a must, at least until the sun rises.  We’ll be marking the path with cones and arrows when necessary to make sure we all get where we are going safely.  We will have some water at the various stops to help keep you hydrated as well.


SHOW TO KNOW!  This one is a secret and won’t be revealed until your TEAM arrives at the AO. #sorrynotsorry

Run Map


We’ll be wrapping this up where we started so transportation shouldn’t be a problem.  Once you’re finished we will be providing coffee and donuts and some quality 2nd F under the pavilion at the back of the Elementary school.




TClap |

Q v Q 2019


It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce: the second annual installment of Q v Q is coming this October.

It will be modified slightly to increase the number of HIM in competition. Face kicks will abound as we have eight great Q’s lined up to make YOU better.

Scoring Criteria:


Best Use of the AO

Level of Face Kick (AKA Difficulty of Beatdown)

Each PAX attending the workout will score each Q based out of maximum score of 5 points per category (15 points max). The winner will be determined based off of the higher total between the two Q’s.

On the last Wednesday of the month, the four Q’s to advance each week will face off in a ‘menage a quatre of pain’ with each taking on one 10 minute session


October 2nd – Jiffy vs Sasquatch (this match up was too good not to repeat)

October 9th – Geronimo vs Shady

October 16th – Cha Ching vs Dirty Harry

October 23rd – Harry Caray vs. Youts

October 31st – The four advancing Q’s from each week will have one 10 minute session each to prove their worth as Best Q.


YHC will lead the PAX in a standard, warmup lasting 5 minutes. The rest of the time will be split into 10 minute blocks and one of the Qs takes the first 10, the second taking the next 10, the 1st Q has to opportunity to respond, and finally the 2nd Q has their opportunity to respond.

The Q that arrives earliest that morning will get to choose if they go first or second.

After the 40 minutes are up, the PAX will quickly vote, we will carry the 1, and determine a winner.

The winner of each week will also have the pleasure of providing a backblast for Funhouse’s appeasement.


These Qs will be competing for a prize that will be on display each week during Q v Q at The Coop.

Q’s are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated by YHC.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Punch List Out.

TClap |

The Fort 7th Anniversary Convergence – Saturday 9/7/19

PAX, after we enjoy some solid 2nd F at the Invergence on Friday night 9/6 we will also have a Convergence the following morning at the place it all began!  We’re excited that our current Nantan Maximus, weasel shaker Funhouse, and our last two Nantans Cakeboss and Pusher will be our Qs for the Convergence at The Fort (WEP) starting at 6:30am.  The other Saturday AOs will be closed to bring us all together.

Save the date…more to come at the Invergence!

From The Fort Leadership Team

Maximus, Funhouse, Royale, Wegmans and Gekko

TClap |

DORA – DOing Random Acts – Challenge

The past Saturday August 3, 2019 was a memorable one – in a bad way. Many people lost their lives, others wounded, and countless lives were forever changed in a negative way due to two separate acts of violence from two separate people. But instead of focusing on the victims, what could be done to help them, and/or what could be done to mitigate these things from happening again, things around our wonderful nation got quite ugly. Even more so than where we were before.  IMO this ugliness is just a continuing escalation of what’s been happening in our society for many many years, beyond that of the current presidential administration, regardless of political affiliation. In my opinion it is a result of where some, not all, our collective society has been heading for some time. Hate, disrespect, the anger, hostility, single-mindedness, immorality, entitlement, lack of civility, lack of compassion, lack of understanding, apathy, us vs them, me vs everyone, mine vs yours, it goes on and on. All or some of these were definite contributions to the pathology behind the motives of those two people who enacted those horrible events. But all of these things have been present in human history for quite some time. Their magnitude goes up and down, the spotlight on them comes and goes, but they have ALWAYS been there. There is no one singular root cause for what happened, why it happened, this past weekend – and previous similar instances of mass violence. There is no quick fix to these things. A singular directive from the top down will not fix them. Some of these things are a result of societal norms, the environment which people operate in, the culture in which they live.

A culture shift takes time and effort from everyone in it. A culture shift takes the decision from everyone to show the change they want to see. As one person enacts that change, hopefully their ripple effect causes others to change in some small way or another.

This is where we F3 PAX are going to pay forward all of the wonderful things we have learned from, and have been somehow improved by, our efforts while in F3. We are going to put the term High Impact Man to the test and show everyone how we can be just that. We are going to be the community leaders that F3 has helped invigorate, more so than what we currently are. We are going to be the change we want to, and need to, see in this world.

DORA Challenge – DOing Random Acts

Yes, everyone has heard of “Random Acts of Kindness”, etc. It will be similar to that.

Every day for the next 30 or so days PAX who commit to this challenge will be given a task to do. You may not have to complete it that very day, but the prescribed task has to be completed by the end of the 30 or so days. At the end of the 30 or so days, you perform 10 burpees for every challenge you could/did not complete. Modify or pick another exercise as needed, but stick to only 1 exercise.

Here are the challenges, and a few more rules:

Copy and paste to your browser. Print it out or whatever. Put it somewhere where you can get to it, reference it. Manage your own self accountability or get someone to help you. Keep track of what you have, have not completed regularly, however you see fit. I will send out the daily challenges via Twitter (follow me at @F3_NASA_ESR) and in the Slack channel “DORA Challenge” as a reminder.

Let’s make some positive impact and send a lot of ripples throughout our society, and maybe even help positively change the trajectory of others whom we interact with while doing so. If one person gets affected by what we do, then that is a win. Mission accomplished! But WE have to be that change, it has to start with each of us.

Let’s get it done!!

Thanks and God Bless!

TClap |

Yeti Cooler Raffle – F3F Palmetto North Fundraiser

  • QIC: F3F Palmetto North
  • When: 09/06/2019
  • Posted In: 3rdF, Pre-Blast

Attention PAX:

During the 7th year Fort anniversary celebration the Foundation will be raffling a Yeti “Roadie 20” cooler with a $200 value.  The cooler is being donated by Jason Rawdon (aka Hot Spot) w/ Elite Air & Heat.  There are two ways to participate in the raffle, both leading up to the Invergence as well as at the event.  Each ticket has an equal chance of winning, whether you can attend the event or not.

Raffle ticket prices – 1 ticket for $10 and 3 tickets for $20

To Participate prior… you can contribute to the below Paypal link ( or you can send money via the Venom app to ( or 804-240-1509) and you will be sent back your raffle ticket numbers that will be entered into the drawing.

To Participate at the event… we will have a table with the cooler and the opportunity to purchase tickets… so bring some cash to participate.

All proceeds from the raffle will go toward funding the local activities of the Pax that are supported by F3F Palmetto North.  The foundation has historically supported activities in Paradise, at CAH and 12th Man Ministries.  If you have a desire to learn more and or contribute toward this important 501(c)3 please see the information below.

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